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Monuments to Presidents born in North Carolina: James K. Polk, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson (1948) by Charles Keck
In this group portrait each president is represented with a different object. Andrew Jackson is riding the horse, James K. Polk is seated holding a map, and Andrew Johnson is holding the U.S. Constitution. Why are each of these presidents associated with these objects?

Andrew Jackson is riding a horse, because he is the only President that fought in both the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Why do you think that a horse symbolizes military power?

Why might a U.S. president hold the Constitution? Andrew Johnson is holding this object because he was the first President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

James K. Polk is holding a map, because under his presidency the territories of the United States expanded to include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado.

Even though the Old North State is the birthplace to three United States Presidents, all three were living in the neighboring state of Tennessee when elected.

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