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North Carolina

The Tarheel State boasts a number of firsts: first English settlement in North America, "First in Flight," and first to publicly challenge segregation in a privately owned business. On February 1, 1960, four African-American students from North Carolina A & T University in Greensboro challenged the Woolworth Lunch Counter's "whites only" policy. After six months of demonstrations, the first African-American was served and Woolworth's was desegregated. Similar demonstrations at Woolworth's and other chains across the South would follow.

In the Tarheel State's first statewide inventory of outdoor sculpture, 100 volunteers from 7 universities surveyed 460 sculptures. Almost 200 of these sculptures are in need of conservation treatment.

Click on the images to see their stories!

NC Presidents.jpg (26180 bytes)     NC Virginia Dare.jpg (43467 bytes) 

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