The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 10, Number 4

Editor's Page

Photograph of Ellen McCrady

A Thank-You to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, really appreciate the support received from the people and organizations listed below, as well as from those who gave smaller amounts. Without their help, we could not make this Newsletter nearly as useful as it is.

This year, as part of a move toward greater efficiency, we started listing only the donors of the current year, instead of all who had made their donation during the preceding twelve months. The total received in 1997 was $8342.50. So far in 1998, the total received is $3665.50.

Donors for 1998 are listed below as Sponsors ($500+), Patrons ($100+), and Contributors ($25+).


Terry O. Norris


Elizabeth S. Banks
Bark Frameworks
Sally A. Buchanan
Estate of Edwin Porter Garretson, in memory of Susan Swartzburg
Mair and David LaTouche
New York Community Trust
Isamu Sakamoto
Tamara Swora, in memory of Susan Swartzburg
University Products Inc.


Jane Dalrymple-Hollo
Hilary A. Kaplan
William Minter Bookbinding
Lily Powell-Froissard
Deborah Wender

Who Are (Were) the APA Subscribers?

In May 1997, there were 261 subscriptions, of which 34 were complimentary or exchange subscriptions. Individuals paid $35 and institutions $45 per year for the remaining 227 subscriptions, less dealers' discounts. Our income from this newsletter was about $9,000 a year. This did not cover the expenses connected with information-gathering: Conferences, use of the telephone and fax machine, purchase of publications, maintenance of databases to track the spread of alkaline papermaking, and so on. Clearly, this venture was a money-loser.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate was never intended to be a way of making money for Abbey Publications, however, and it should not be regarded as a failure. The information gathered for its production will continue to benefit its readers and those of the Abbey Newsletter. The impetus it has added to changes taking place in this and other countries has also been significant (maybe not big, but significant and appreciated). And how many other newsletters with a paid subscription base of 227 have subscriptions from eight national libraries or archives around the world?

Close to a third of all subscriptions (29%) went to paper producers and associated organizations.

Information and research centers in paper companies: 16
Paper companies & wood-related organizations: 14  
Suppliers, except filler suppliers: 10
Suppliers of CaCO3 and other pigments: 10
Exchange publications: 10
Consultants: 5
Information & research centers not in paper industry: 4
Suppliers & organizations for printing industry: 4
Government agencies related to paper industry: 2
Standards organizations: 1
Paper school: 1

Authors Please Take Note

Authors of articles and other material accepted for publication in the Alkaline Paper Advocate have been assumed (unless they notify the editor otherwise) to be granting permission to publish their work in both print and electronic form, and to archive it and make it retrievable electronically. Authors retain their copyright, however, and may republish their work in any way they wish.

Similarly with previous publishers of material who have given permission for their copyrighted material to be published in the Alkaline Paper Advocate. The permission has been assumed to cover the electronic as well as the printed form.

This is the last issue of the Alkaline Paper Advocate. All back issues are in print and indexed, and can be purchased individually or by the volume. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications, 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723. Visa or MasterCard payments are convenient for payments from abroad, but for domestic payments we prefer checks drawn on a U.S. bank. We can send an invoice on request.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit corporation set up to encourage preservation of written records, including the use of lasting materials in their creation. No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news items; but the Editor's permission must be obtained for making more than 20 copies of lengthy or signed articles. This allows us to consult with the author (who usually holds copyright), make any necessary corrections or updates before duplication, and confirm that the copies are being made for purposes not inconsistent with the nonprofit mission of Abbey Publications.

Indexed in Engineering Information's Table of Contents and selectively in the Abstract Bulletin of the IPST, Paperbase Abstracts (PIRA International), and Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts.

©1998 Abbey Publications, Inc. ISSN: 0897-2524
Editor: Ellen McCrady Phone: 512/929-3992
Circulation Manager: Bette Abeel Fax: 929-3995
E-mail: Tax ID #: 87-0436104

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