The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 10, Number 3

Editor's Page

A Thank-You to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, really appreciate the support received from the people and organizations listed below, as well as from those who gave smaller amounts.

This year, as part of a move toward greater efficiency, we started listing only the donors of the current year, instead of all who had made their donation during the preceding twelve months. To start us off with the new system, the total received in 1997 was $8342.50. So far in 1998, the total received is $3665.50.

Donors for 1998 are listed below as Sponsors ($500+), Patrons ($100+), and Contributors ($25+).


Terry O. Norris


Elizabeth S. Banks
Bark Frameworks
Sally A. Buchanan
Estate of Edwin Porter Garretson, in memory of Susan Swartzburg
Mair and David LaTouche
New York Community Trust
Isamu Sakamoto
Tamara Swora, in memory of Susan Swartzburg
University Products Inc.

Jane Dalrymple-Hollo
Hilary A. Kaplan
William Minter Bookbinding
Lily Powell-Froissard
Deborah Wender

Just Published

North American Permanent Papers, 3rd ed. E. McCrady, ed. June 1998. 60 pp. ISBN 0-9622071-4-4. $19.50 plus postage, from Abbey Publications, 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723 (512/929-3992, Fax 512/929-3995, e-mail

This edition includes for the first time a section in which manufacturers were invited to describe briefly each of their archival products that had special characteristics not referred to in the ANSI/NISO standard for paper permanence. The products are of seven types: archival board, watermarked copy paper for dissertations, paper or board for safe storage of photographs (i.e., that pass the Photographic Activity Test), dark or bright-colored permanent paper or board, handmade and artists' papers, buffered groundwood for journals and magazines, and types of archival paper or board the company can make on request.

In the main section, 400 papers are listed by their main use, and by company. Telephone numbers are provided for each of the 33 paper companies. All of the papers meet the specifications of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992, Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives.

Six brief chapters follow the lists of papers. All chapters but those by Wilson and Adelstein have been revised.

Development of permanent record papers, by W.K. Wilson
The nature of permanence
Papermaking facts
The ANSI/NISO Z39.48 standard and other standards
Permanence testing by the purchaser
Paper products as enclosures for photographic images, by Peter Z. Adelstein

Available from Abbey Publications

1. Current and back issues of the Alkaline Paper Advocate. All are indexed yearly in detail. Back issues cost $5.00 each, and the current year is $35 for individuals, $45 institutions, $20 students.

2. Current and back issues of the Abbey Newsletter: Preservation of Library and Archival Materials. $45 for individuals, $55 institutions, $20 students.

3. Abbey pH Pens®, in any quantity. There are two kinds: the grey one with a purple cap, and a slimmer white one. Both are the same price, contain the same pH indicator, and both can be imprinted with the logo and telephone number of the customer for less than a dollar a pen, but there is a special price (about half the usual) on the white pen for professional groups and people who conduct workshops. The regular price is:



$5.60 per pen









4. The newly published North American Permanent Papers, a 60-page list of over 400 printing, writing and special archival papers made in North America, with chapters giving background information on permanence, standards, testing, the P.A.T. test, and related topics. The 1998 edition costs $19.50, plus postage.

5. Copies of the subject classification scheme used for the Abbey Publications files and library. Available without charge to librarians keeping up a library or information service for preservation/conservation people, if they will provide feedback on how they use it.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate is issued quarterly, and has about 300 subscribers. This is the next-to-last issue. All issues are in print and indexed. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications, 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723. Visa or MasterCard payments are convenient for payments from abroad, but for domestic payments we prefer checks drawn on a U.S. bank. We can send an invoice on request.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit corporation set up to encourage preservation of written records, including the use of lasting materials in their creation. No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news items; but the Editor's permission must be obtained for making more than 20 copies of lengthy or signed articles. This allows us to consult with the author (who may hold copyright), make any necessary corrections or updates before duplication, and confirm that the copies are being made for purposes not inconsistent with the nonprofit mission of Abbey Publications.

Indexed in Engineering Information's Table of Contents and selectively in the Abstract Bulletin of the IPST, Paperbase Abstracts (PIRA International), and Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts.

©1997 Abbey Publications, Inc. ISSN: 0897-2524

Editor: Ellen McCrady

Phone: 512/929-3992

Circulation Manager: Bette Abeel Fax: 929-3995
E-mail: Tax ID #: 87-0436104

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