Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 08, Number 2
Jun 1995

Standards News from ASTM & ISO

ASTM has revised and published its four paper permanence standards:

D 3208-94, Specification for Manifold Papers for Permanent Records

D 3290-94, Specification for Bond and Ledger Papers for Permanent Records

D 3301-94, Specification for File Folders for Storage of Permanent Records

D 3458-94, Specification for Copies from Office Copying Machines for Permanent Records.

In addition, it now has a Guide for the Selection of Permanent and Durable Offset and Book Papers, which has been given the number D 5634-94. This is a standard too, even though it is called a guide. (Other kinds of ASTM standards are: test methods, classifications, practices, terminology or definitions, reference radiographs and photographs, tables and charts.)

In another subcommittee, D 6.30 on Fine Papers, a member called last February for the development of a clear and definitive test method for the determination of lignin content in paper, since kappa number, fiber analysis and spot tests are not exact enough. Another member agreed to work on it.

ISO published its basic standard for paper permanence in 1994, ISO 9706, Paper for Documents. The Canadian delegation want to revise it soon, but have agreed to wait until the results of the ISR research program are in, which will be over a year from now. ISO CD 11108, Archival Papers, is like ISO 9706 but calls for cotton fiber and has higher strength requirements. It has been approved and awaits translation into French.

Although another working group in the same subcommittee is drafting a permanent binders board specification, the working group that developed the above two standards is also working on two standards for archival boards. One is a migration test, and one is a description of board that is to be used in direct contact with documents in long term storage, or carry information, or be exposed to light.

Another working group is just getting started with a standard for permanence of images on paper. It sounds as if it will cover printed, written, drawn, photocopied and all other kinds of images, because it will include tests for resistance to water, wear, light and high temperature, among other things.

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