Volume 5, Number 6
Dec 1992
Conversions (Both Ways) and Shutdowns
- Domtar's Cornwall, Ontario, mill completed its conversion
to alkaline in March and April of this year.
- Champion's mill in Canton, North Carolina, converted its last
machine to alkaline December 1, 1992.
- Boise Cascade's Jackson, Alabama, mill went back to acid in
1992 because of unresolved problems.
- Wausau Paper Mills signed a letter of intent to buy James
River's Groveton, New Hampshire, mill in April of this year. The
mill will continue to make alkaline paper.
- Simpson's San Gabriel Mill in Pomona, California, which has
not yet converted to alkaline, will cut its production to 50%.
- Two alkaline fine paper mills in the International Paper family
have been shut down in the past year, and one IP mill that was
closed in 1992 (Hammermill/Oswego) started back up March 15. The
Grays Harbor mill in Hoquiam, Washington, which made Hammermill
and Grays Harbor papers, was closed permanently November 12 (more
details in "News," this issue). Strathmore's Woronoko
No. I mill was closed April 1, permanently. It was 138 years old
and had two small machines.
- Hammermill's Riverdale Mill in Selma, Alabama, will add capacity
in 1994.