The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 5, Number 2
May 1992

Crane's Major Brands will be Acid For A While

The Crane mills in Dalton, Massachusetts, are still making xerographic and ledger papers alkaline but have temporarily gone back to the acid process for Crane's Crest and Crane's Bond, high quality cotton content papers that have to work equally well for letterhead, laser copy, and all kinds of printing. With neutral or alkaline chemistry, some of these requirements are incompatible. Other letterhead grades are also being made acid for the time being.

Crane's long-term commitment to neutral papermaking, however, still stands. When current problems and quality concerns are resolved, Crane will resume manufacture of bond grades at a neutral pH.

Crane is developing new alkaline chemistry and process control systems to produce alkaline paper that meets the quality expectations of its customers, according to Wayne Cronnell, Quality Control Manager.

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