The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 3, Number 5
Nov 1990

Editor's Page

Why This Newsletter Is Published

The simplest way I know to explain the purpose of the Alkaline Paper Advocate is to say it serves to preserve the written records of the future, the contents of libraries and archives, by providing a form where producers and consumers of longer-lasting paper can learn about each other's concerns and explore common ground. In a number of practical ways, this encourages both production and use.

Publication of the APA complements the information work and publishing I have been doing since 1975 with the Abbey Newsletter, which focuses on preservation of the materials already in libraries and archives. When those activities were incorporated in 1986 as Abbey Publications, I defined the purpose of the new nonprofit corporation (and all its future activities like the APA) as:

  1. To disseminate news and information to people involved in any aspect of conservation of library and archival materials;
  2. To stimulate and encourage the field of conservation in all its aspects--curatorial, scientific, restorative, and administrative;
  3. To record the achievements of the field and to provide access to relevant professional literature of the past, of other fields and of other countries;
  4. To engage in related activities such as organization of symposia, production of audio-visual aids, or maintenance of an information service.

It might seem pretentious for someone working out of their front room to say their aim is to preserve the records of the future for a whole country, but the fact is, I an only supplying a missing link in the chain of communication between makers and users of paper. Information can do a lot of good if it is in the right place at the right time.

The subscription price is kept as low as possible so the librarians, archivists and conservators, who make up half the subscription list, can afford it. This is done by keeping overhead and production costs low, including the costs of covering conventions. Readers and colleagues have provided significant help, by offering overnight hospitality at conventions and by sending in professional articles, clippings, faxes of test data and other valuable information, even entire books. Jane Dalrymple-Hollo contributed her work as an artist in the design of the logo or masthead of this newsletter. Nineteen journals and newsletters from the papermaking field, and about 55 from preservation, are sent to this office without charge, by exchange agreement. Even Delta Airlines helps, in an incidental way, by offering its senior citizen coupon books, which allow you to travel anywhere in the continental U.S. for $88 a flight. Grade Finders, Inc., lifted a great burden of work from this office when it agreed to identify alkaline papers in the listings of its three publications.

Monetary contributions have enabled us to get what we needed for the office and respond more promptly to the growing need for information on alkaline paper. All, or nearly all, of the contributions have come so far from individuals or small businesses involved somehow with preservation--the users. If this newsletter has been useful to the paper industry, it would be appropriate for it to match the contributions from the user side, perhaps on a 2:1 or 3:1 basis considering the difference in income. This would be a good way for a company to demonstrate its concern and commitment for preservation.

A Thank-you to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., want to express appreciation for support received from the people and organizations listed below, and from many kind people who have sent in smaller donations or helped us in other ways throughout the year. So far this year $4237 has been received.

All donations are considered as going to Abbey Publications (thus contributing to both the Abbey Newsletter and the Alkaline Paper Advocate). Donors are classified as Benefactors ($1000+), Sponsors (500+), Patrons ($100+), and Contributors ($25+).

Benefactors: Allan Thenen. Contributors: Goldsmith-Perry Philanthropies, Inc. Patrons: The Bookbinder's Warehouse, Inc., The New York Community Trust - James Talcott Fund, Commission On Preservation & Access, Pest Control Services, Inc., Wei T'o Associates, Inc., Booklab, Inc., Acme Bookbinding Company, Inc., Joan T. Batchelor, Susan G. Swartzburg, Bookmakers, Robert W. Frase, two anonymous patrons. Contributors: M. Susan Barger, D.H. Smith, Hilda A. Robbins, Roberta Badiner, Kathy Ludwig, Nancy H. Hoyt, Murray W. Millar, Charles R. Kalina, William K. Wilson, Taylor Made Co., Nancy Schrock, Maria Fredericks, Robert L. Snow, T.O. Norris, Myra Jo Moon, three anonymous contributors.


Paper Grade Standard % Secondary Fiber
Preconsumer Waste Postconsumer Waste
Hammermill Savings DP D3458 40 10
Hammermill Bond D3209 0 0
Hammermill Fore DP D3209 0 0
Hammermill Tidal DP D3209 0 0
Hammermill Xero-Lasercopy D3458 0 0

The Alkaline Paper Advocate is issued six times a year and has about 500 subscribers. Subscriptions (which include a free pH pen) are m a calendar year basis: All start with the first issue of the year, unless otherwise requested, and end on Dec. 31, or after the last issue of the year has appeared. An index for the year is sent out in the first quarter, and interim indexes are available on request. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $30; full-time students $20; others $40. Back issues for 1988 and 1989 are $25/year. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84606 (801/373-1598).

No paid advertisements are accepted, except for job ads, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. News item and information may be sent or called in at any time. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news item; but the Editor's permission must be obtained for reprinting lengthy or signed articles.

Indexed selectively in the Abstract Bulletin of the IPST, Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts, and Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts.

Copyright 1990 Abbey Publications, Inc. Fax: 801/375-4423.
Tax #: 87-0436104 ISSN: 0897-2524 Editor: Ellen McCrady
Publisher: Abbey Publications, Inc. Circ: Janice Miller

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