The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 3, Number 3
Aug 1990

TAPPI Paper Permanence Committee

The Ad Hoc Committee on Paper Permanence met April 24 during the Papermakers Conferee in Atlanta, for the first time since its April 1989 organizational meeting. Present were:

Ellen McCrady
Laura Feix-Baker
Ellsworth Shriver
Howard Renner
Dave Marunycz
Jim Winters
Jobe B. Morrison
David Morrison
David Ruff
William V. Stevens
Robert W. Johnson
Joseph MacDonald
Raj Kumar
Ralph Gordon
Rich Kopec
William Scott

Reports were heard on the following matters: a literature survey on paper permanence, performed for the Committee by the TAPPI Library, which is now ready for distribution; correspondence received from other organizations; relevant activities within the American Library Association's Preservation of Library Materials Section; and a possible Miami University short course on permanence for members of the Ohio State Preservation Program

Officers were chosen, to serve for the next two years,. with the exception of the secretary, who agreed to serve the temporarily but was unable to make a long-range commitment:

Chairman: Ellen McCrady
Vice-Chairman: Jim Winters
Secretary: William V. Stevens

It was decided to organize a session on permanence for the April 1991 Papermakers Conference. The Vice-Chairman agreed to organize this. (Details of the session program will be made available in a later issue of this Newsletter.)

Jobe B. Morrison, President and General Manager of Miami Paper Corporation, gave an illustrated talk an permanence and secondary fiber, which was well received.

The next meeting will be in New Orleans, September 27, in conjunction with ASTM Committee D06.40 on Recycled Papers. Visitors are welcome. For further information contact Ellen McCrady, 801/373-1598.

The Spring 1991 meeting will be at the TAPPI Papermakers Conference, and the Fall 1991 meeting will be at the Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST) in Atlanta. (See Events section.)

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