The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 3, Number 2
May 1990

Dioxin Update

Hardev S. (Doug) Dugal

Reprinted with permission from Friends of the Dard Hunter Paper Museum Newsletter 9(l), March l990, p.10. The author is president of Integrated Paper Services, Inc., 101 Edison Ave., Suite 250, Appleton, WI 54912 (414/749-3040).

In 1986, a five-mill study was conducted to determine the amount of dioxins in pulp and paper mill environments. This study has blown into a 104-mill coverage, spearheaded by NCASI - National Council for Air and Stream Improvement for the Pulp and Paper Industry, Inc. - headquartered in New York. Work has also been conduct in other countries such as Sweden and Canada. According to one Swedish scientist, Dr. Kringstadt, "We think the problem of dioxin has been solved."

Some of the findings so far:

Ways to reduce dioxins:

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