The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 3, Number 2
May 1990

The February NISO Meeting on Z39.48

[The National Information Standards Organization is revising its standard for uncoated printing paper, Z39.48. Although the standard originated with NISO, and is maintained by it, the American National Standards Institute lists it as an American standard, along with standards that were formulated by other U.S. groups. -Ed.]

On February 6, 1990, NISO Standards Committee met to review comments received from NISO members and other interested parties in response to the discussion draft of the revision of Z39.48-1984, Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. Twenty-three organizations provided comments. Reaction to the draft was generally very positive, although a number of suggestions for modifications were received. Issues raised for consideration by the Committee, and their disposition, follow. [A more extensive, and earlier, explanation of the committee's thinking is on p. 52-53 of the November 1989 issue. ]

Those who provided comments will be contacted over the next few months about their specific suggestions and the committee's plans for addressing them. The committee is working toward an October 1990 date for putting the revision to a vote of NISO members. This schedule is dependent on receipt of the results of additional paper testing.

[This report by Betsy Humphreys, Chair of Standards Committee II, appeared in the Information Standards Quarterly 2(2), April 1990, p. 12-13.1

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