The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 2, Number 6
Dec 1989


U.S. To Get Kenaf Pulp Mill

Kenaf, a quick-growing plant that promises to relieve

the On-again, Off-again shortage of wood fiber, has had a bard time taking root in the paper industry in this country, even after 30 or 40 years of investigation and planning by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a consortium called Kenaf International. The consortium just cancelled its plans to build a kenaf pulp mill in Texas (see November issue, P. 54) because of a glut of recycled fibers for newsprint, which is what they would have been making.

Now an Australian company called Ankal Pty. [Proprietary] Ltd. has announced that it plans to build a bleached kenaf market pulp mill in the southern U.S., to start up in 1993-1994. it will use Ankal's patented separation technology for separating the long and the short fibers before Pulping in separate batch digesters. The long-fiber pulp can be used to make high-grade specialty paper (cigarette paper, bank note paper, filter paper, and bond), while the short fibers from the core of the plant can be used in a wide range of paper requiring good surface properties and high tensile strength. [This information is from the December Pulp & Paper.]

Five Suppliers Of AKD

Not very long ago, Hercules was the only source for alkylketene dimer, a neutral size, sold under the name of Aquapel. Now five suppliers are listed in the Pulp & Paper Buyers Guide for 1990: AKZO, Chemical Div.; Albright & Wilson Ltd., Phosphates & Organics; BASF AG; Hercules Inc.; and Tenneco Paper Chemicals.

Preservation Panel At CPPA Annual Meeting

Douglas Reeve, chairman and moderator of the special session January 30 at the annual meeting of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, has provided the program of that session, including the list of panelists.

The half-hour version of "Slaw Fires - On Preservation of the Hunan Record" will be shown, followed by a panel with presentations by Carole Moore (Chief Librarian, University Of Toronto), Helen Burgess (Canadian Conservation Institute), Peter Scaggs (production manager, University of Toronto Press), and Randy Harrison (Pfizer, Inc.). An hour is allowed for discussion. For details see "Coming Events."

Early Watermarked Papers For Sale

Emmanuel J. Rubin, of a company called Art Visuel, writes from France that he has a collection of white papers with watermarks from the 15th to the 19th century, formats "in-8" to large "in-quarto" (8,000 to 10,000 sheets). He wants to sell parts of it, and well send samples to prospective buyers. Address: 6, rue Romain Rolland, 93260 Les Lilas, France. Telephone: (1) 43 63 82 21.

Major Suppliers Of Recycled Paper For Office Use

The following addresses are taken from a 64-page "Report on the State of Recycled Paper and Permanent Paper," prepared by Bill Turney for the Department of Supply and Services of New Brunswick and published November 1, 1989. Recycled fiber makes up at least 50%. of each paper--but no indication is given of whether any of the papers sold are also alkaline.

Earth Cycle Paper Co.
PO Box 3884
High River, Alberta T0L 1B0

Paper Choice
2659 Trinity St.
Vancouver, BC V5K 1E5

The Paper Source
Fallbrook, Ont. KO0 lA0

Conservatree Paper Co.
10 Lombard St., Suite 250
San Francisco, CA 94111

Earth Care Paper Inc.
PO Box 3335
Madison, WI 53704

It is possible that copies of this report can be had on request. Write Mr. Turney, Dept. of Supply and Services, PO Box 6000, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5Hl, Canada.

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