The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 2, Number 5
Dec 1989


To the Editor:

This letter is in regard to our previous phone conversation concerning the permanence of Penntech's Pennbook and Clarion Book book grades. Penntech's book grades are presently manufactured under machine conditions which allow them to meet American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for Type 1, Maximum Permanence, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for permanence of paper.

In addition, we have submitted samples of our alkaline book grades to an independent laboratory for aging rate evaluations (90°C at 50%. RH).... Their results indicated that Penntech's alkaline paper would retain a very significant amount of its folding endurance after 400 years.

Dave Marunycz
Director of Research & Development
Penntech Papers, Inc.

To the Editor

I've just received and read the October 1989 Alkaline Paper Advocate and want to let you know how much I enjoy your publication. One additional mill and grade names) you can add to your "Colored Papers" section of your recent publication is our own Adams, Massachusetts Premium Printing Papers Mill which manufactures two acid-free grades in Bright White and colors, Brightwater (Smooth and Riblaid finish) and Gradations (which has a 50% cotton content as well)....

Robert W. Cochran
Marketing Manager
James River Corporation
Communications Papers

[Gradations is an 80 lb. cover sheet for offset, introduced in early summer 1989, in six colors and white. Other alkaline papers made in various James River mills are Riverton Book (being phased out in favor of a new book grade, Legend); Verigood blotting paper from the Curtis Division; Ragmount Board (special make); Permafile from the Fitchburg Division; copy papers from the Massachusetts Division; and a number of private brands of archival papers and boards made in the Fitchburg and Riegel Divisions, which the people there keep track of and can tell you where to go to buy. Kivar 2 and Kivar 9 and Skivertex are described as archival; they are not papers, but are James River products used by bookbinders. - Editor]

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