The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 2, Number 2
Jul 1989

Editor's Page

What Keeps APA Going

The Alkaline Paper Advocate is one of two newsletters issued by Abbey Publications, a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation organized to disseminate news and information to people involved in any aspect of conservation of library and archival materials, and to stimulate and encourage all aspects of the field--including what is called "prospective preservation," or production and use of more peniment materials, principally paper, for books, records and storage supplies. Nearly all of the income of Abbey Publications comes from the sale of subscriptions, but since subscription fees cannot cover all costs, the deficit is made up fromvoluntary contributions. Last year, the first year in which funds were solicited, a total of 7.5% of corporate income, or $3962, was received in contributions, which the Editor and Trustees acknowledge with gratitude:

Gifts of $1000 and over
Goldsmith-Perry Philanthropies
Document Reprocessors

Gifts of $100 and over
Susan Swartzburg

Gifts of $10 and over
Julia Miller
Linda Nainis
Gerard Piel
Robert L. Snow
Aim Swartzell
William K. Wilson

Basic subscription fees for this Newsletter are kept as low as possible to enable even small libraries and archives to subscribe, because paper users make up over 75% of the mailing list. For others who would like to support the activities and publications of Abbey Publications in a more significant way, the following subscription categories have been established:

Sustaining Subscriber: $60
Patron 100
Corporate Patron 250

Income and expenses for the previous year will be reported annually in both newsletters, and more detailed reports can be mailed out on request. Financial accounts of the two newsletters are not kept separate, but a spot analysis done in 1988 showed that the Abbey Newsletter (1100 subscribers, $35/year) was supporting the Alkaline Paper Advocate (then 200 subscribers, $25/year) by a large margin. Although that margin has decreased somewhat, the APA still requires subsidy.



Prices will Rise

In October, the price of this Newsletter will rise to $30. 1990 and 1991 subscriptions may be prepaid at the old price.

The price of pH pens (Model 1) goes up to $2.00 this month. When Model 2 becomes available this summer or fall, it will be $3.00 or $4.00. It will have polyester fiber reservoirs, guaranteed not to deteriorate or affect the indicator fluid's accuracy. (Model 1 is accurate for only about a year. Test your old pen on the enclosed slip of filter paper, which has been chemically buffered to pH 7.0, to see if it turns purple. If not, you can request a new reservoir, prefilled, or wait until late summer, when we expect to mail out new polyester fiber reservoirs to everyone who first subscribed in 1988, and whose pen is thus over a year old.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate is issued six times a year (1988 had only five issues), and has about 300 subscribers. Subscriptions (which include a free pH pen) are on a calendar year basis: All start with the first issue of the year, unless requested otherwise, and end on Dec. 31. An index for the year is sent out in the first quarter. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $25; others are $40. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84606 (801/373-1598).

Overseas subscribers may pay either in dollars or in British pounds. Checks in dollars must bear the nane of a U.S. bank. Postal money orders are usually much cheaper than bank drafts.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. News items and information may be sent by mail or called in at any time. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news item; but the Editor's permission must be obtained before reprinting signed articles.

Indexed in the IPC Abstract Bulletin.

Copyright 1989 Abbey Publications, Inc.  
Tax #: 87-0436104 ISSN: 0897-2524 Editor: Ellen.McCrady
Publisher: Abbey Publications, Inc. Circ: Sherilyn Riboldi

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