The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 2, Number 1
Apr 1989

Leonard Schlosser to Retire

Leonard B. Schlosser has elected to take early retirement as Chairman of Lindenmeyr Paper Company and Senior Executive Vice President of the company's parent organization, Central National Gottesman Inc.

A leader in the paper industry since 1947, when he joined the Schlosser Paper Corporation after service in World War II, Mr. Schlosser is a recognized authority on the history of paper, printing, books and the graphic arts. He is a member, and has held leading office, in a wide variety of business, professional and academic organizations, including service as a Director of the National Paper Trade Association and as President, for two terms, of the Paper Merchants Association of New York. He holds or has held office in the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, the Grolier Club and the International Society of Paper Historians, as well as on committees of the New York Public Library, the Pierpont Morgan Library and the Library of Congress, and is a member of the Society of Printers and the American Antiquarian Society. He is the author of numerous books, articles and monographs, on both scholarly and general-interest levels.

After his retirement, which takes effect March 31, he intends to continue his activity in the broad universe of the graphic arts, Mr. Schlosser stated.

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