The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 1, Number 5
Dec 1988

Editor's Page

A Word From The Editor

The name of this newsletter is too long, I can see now. Either it should be officially shortened, or a nickname should be used, preferably one already in use somewhere. How about "The Alkaline Rag"? Send your suggestions.

This is the last issue of 1988. There will be no #6.

The Post Office has changed our zip code to 84606, and would like for all our correspondents to start using it instead of 84601.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate will be issued six times a year beginning with 1989, and has about 250 subscribers. Subscriptions (which include a free pH pen) are on a calendar year basis: all start with the first issue of the year, unless requested otherwise, and end on December 31. An index will be sent to all subscribers in January or February. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $25; others are $40. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84606.

Overseas subscribers may pay either in dollars or in British pounds. Checks in dollars must bear the name of a U.S. bank. Postal money orders are usually much cheaper than bank drafts.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. News items and information may be sent by mail or called in at any time, including evenings and weekends: 801/373-1598. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news item ; but the Editor's permission must be obtained before reprinting signed articles.

Copyright 1988 Abbey Publications, Inc.  
Tax #: 87-0436104 ISSN: 0897-2524 Editor: Ellen McCrady
Publisher: Abbey Publications, Inc. Circ: Sherilyn Garrett

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