The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 1, Number 4
Oct 1988


Connecticut Takes Steps To Require Use Of Alkaline Paper

The Connecticut General assembly has passed a resolution concerning "the use of alkaline paper for the printing of all State of Connecticut publications and official records." It starts out with 10 Whereases that summarize the need for and availability of alkaline paper, and the advocacy of its use by NISO, the Depository Library Council and the American Library Association. It then resolves "that this general assembly urges the state librarian's task force an the preservation of historical records to (1) research the feasibility of, and costs associated with, printing all state publications and official records an alkaline paper and (2) an or before February 1, 1989, report their findings, including recommendations for legislation, if any, to the general assembly concerning the use of alkaline paper." [From Abbey Newsletter 12(6), p. 117.1

Finland Is Nearly 100% Alkaline

In response to a letter of inquiry from the APA editor, two officials in the Fine Papers Division of Finnpapp (The Finnish Paper Mills' Association) sent the following letter in June:

The situation in Finland is that all new fine paper machines, which have started during the 1980s, are alkaline producing units. Veitsiluoto was the first paper mill in Finland starting the alkaline paper making on their 6.5 m machine late in 1979.

Today there is only one paper mill (middle size) in Finland producing freesheet paper by means of the acid process. All others use the alkaline process.

Our experience of alkaline papers is very positive. We have had no problems marketing our products due to this, nor producing paper of good quality.

We believe that all our customers appreciate the benefit of better permanency.

If you have questions about the Finnish fine paper industry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The postal address is P.O. Box 380, SF-00101 Helsinki, Finland.

A 100% Alkaline Converter

The A. B. Dick Co. of Chicago sells its papers (duplicator, mimeograph, electrostatic, offset and bond) through branches and distributors, all nicely packaged for the consumer--and all of them are alkaline. To find out the nearest distribution point, call them at 312/763-1900.

Australians Promote Permanent/Durable Paper

In May 1987, the Library Association of Australia sponsored a seminar on the production and use of archival paper. It provided a forum for representatives from major archival and collecting institutions, manufacturers, suppliers and publishers. In August 1987 the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials (AICCM) established an Archival Paper Action Committee to pursue the development of Australian Standards for archival paper and to promote its appropriate use.

The Standards Association of Australia has made a commitment to develop locally applicable standards for permanence and durability for a range of papers and boards. The Archival Paper Action Committee is lobbying federal and state governments and politicians to encourage the routine use of archival paper for the documentation of official business.

The Archival Paper Action Committee has prepared a leaflet called "Here Today ... Gone Tomorrow" stating the problem and recommending action, and is currently conducting a survey of institutions to determine the amount of archival paper that is needed. The Committee's address is: AICCM, GPO Box 1638, Canberra A.C.T. 2601, Australia.

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