The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 1, Number 3
May 1988

Editor's Page

Where To Find Fine Copy Paper

Lists of local dealers for alkaline and neutral copy papers (xerographic only) have been compiled for the following areas: Boston area, California, Illinois, New York City area, Salt Lake City, and Washington, DC area. To receive Paper for artists and a copy of any of these lists, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the APA office. Since they take so long to compile, and since the company has more accurate information on local outlets for their paper, no more of these lists will be compiled in the future

To Rejuvenate Dried-Out pH Pens

If the cap is left off the felt-tip pH indicator pens that are sent to all subscribers, they can be made to work again by adding water. The best end to add it to is the top end, which has a plug that can be worked off and then replaced without hurting anything.

Pens that get such heavy use that they actually run out of the indicator fluid will be replaced without charge by artists and conservators. the office.

Corrections To The List Of Alkaline Papers

Ward is no longer producing its Soft-Hue line, but has added colors to its Forward line.

Parsons Paper Company should be added to the list (see the Letters department). When a complete list of their alkaline papers is received, a formal entry will be made for them.

Corrections To The First Issue

Corrections to p. 2: "Avery" should be "Arvey"; Empire has gone out of business; Consolidated papers are not handled by Zellerbach in Salt Lake City, but by Western; Western can get Gilbert, Monadnock, and Whiting paper; Grays Harbor should probably be listed under Hammermill; Zellerbach can get Mohawk papers and perhaps also Miami papers; Potlatch's Quintessence should be spelled with an i; Warren's Lusterkote is not alkaline; and Warren's Olde Style and Warren 1854 have been discontinued.

On p. 3: Grays Harbor Hammermill Tidal MX (white) is sold everywhere and is alkaline everywhere.

Coming Up

A comparison of pH readings by pH indicator, hot and parts of cold extraction, and surface pH meter readings, based on; work by Helmut Bansa, William J. Barrow, Bertie L. Browning, A. Joel et al., and Joseph A. Flynn and Leslie E. Smith. The next issue is scheduled for publication in September. Readers who have any other comparative pH results that they think should be included in this survey should send them before September.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate will probably appear five times in 1988 and six times a year thereafter. There are about 150 subscribers. Subscriptions are on a calendar year all start with the first issue of the year basis (unless requested otherwise) and end on December 31. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $25; others are $40. Overseas subscribers may pay either in dollars or in pounds sterling. Checks and money orders should be made out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84601.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news and information value will be printed if there is room for it. News items may be sent by mail or called in at any time, including evenings and weekends: 801/373-1598. Readers are encouraged to copy or circulate issues, and parts of issues and to reprint unsigned articles and news items but the Editor's permission must be obtained before reprinting signed articles.

Copyright 1988 Abbey Publications, Inc.
Tax #: 87-0436104 ISSN: 0897-2524
Publisher: Abbey Publications, Inc. Editor: Ellen McCrady

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