The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 1, Number 2
Mar 1988

Editor's Page

What To Send To The APA Office

If you have some paper that you want tested for the presence of calcium carbonate, send it with a self-addressed stamped envelope to the office. The test performed will be a qualitative one only (i.e. it only tells you whether the carbonate is present) and it does yield some false negatives (i.e. something may keep the carbonate from interacting with the acid) but the test is quick and easy.

From papermakers, the Newsletter needs news, information and advice. If the mill or paper company puts out news releases or announcements of any sort, the APA should be on the mailing list. Letters and phone calls are also good ways to receive news. If a letter contains anything that should not be printed, please mark it to indicate this. Information: To help readers who are not familiar with papermaking machines, we really need a good diagram of a machine with the parts labeled that are relevant to alkaline papermaking. If there is one in the literature, a reference may be sufficient, but original artwork is acceptable even if it is a little messy and hand-drawn.

All of the papermakers in the list in this issue are urged to send in information on their company: a) If the telephone number in the list is not the one to call for information on distributors or sales-offices in the caller's area, where should they call? Please give an 800 number when possible. b) What best-sellers have been printed in the last five years or so on your company's alkaline paper? Please give the publishers as well as the author and title, so that they can be given credit too. A list will be published.

Advice is needed on ways of reaching people who need to know about this newsletter. Not only librarians and papermakers, but printers, converters, distributors, retail mail-order suppliers and others need to be part of the dialog. Methods currently used are: mailings using mailing lists, provision of sample copies to take to meetings of other organization, classified ads in selected journals, and sending sample copies to newsletter editors for organizations in related fields.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate will be issued as often as necessary to get the news out. This is estimated to be four or five times during 1988. There are about 100 subscribers. Subscriptions are on a calendar year basis: all start with the first issue of the year (unless requested otherwise) and end on December 31. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $25; others are $40. overseas subscribers may pay either in dollars or in pounds sterling; checks that say "U.S. Funds" and are drawn on a U.S. bank (i.e. have the name of a U.S. bank printed on the face) are also acceptable. Make checks out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84601.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. News item and information may be sent by mail or called in at any time, including evenings and weekends: 801/373-1598. Readers are encouraged to copy and circulate issues and Darts or issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news item. Permission must be obtained from the Editor before reprinting signed articles, however.

Copyright 1988 Abbey Publications, Inc. ISSN: 0897-2524 Publisher: Abbey Publications, Inc. Editor: Ellen McCrady

Contributions of money are also welcome, to help cover the expected shortfall of $3,000 in 1988. So far there have been two donations in the $1-$100 category. An analysis of Income and expenditures projected for 1988 will appear in the next issue. Checks should be made out to Abbey Publications. Donations are tax-deductible.

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