The Alkaline Paper Advocate

Volume 1, Number 1
Jan 1988

Alkaline and Neutral Copy Paper

by E. McCrady

The list below is probably not complete, since not all companies making alkaline paper have been contacted yet for the specific brand names of their alkaline papers. It probably contains some errors too, which will be corrected in a future update. It is published here in less than perfect form because the need for the information is so great. Archival paper is needed every day for copying Ph.D. dissertation, archival documents, and research materials, to name just a few important uses, but the average consumer never seems to know more than two or three available brands, and most people have no idea where to get it.

The list has to be used in conjunction with the Yellow Pages for the nearest sizable city. From three to 30 or more companies will be listed under "Paper Distributors. The caller should ask the sales rep at each company which of these manufacturers they handle, because not all distributors carry all papers. In fact, none of them can afford to. And even if they handle a given manufacturer's papers, they may not have the desired brand in stock. Furthermore, even if they have it in stock, there is a chance it might not be alkaline. The wise purchaser will test the pH with chlorophenol red before writing out a check. The stock may be old, from the days before the mill converted to alkaline paper ; or the sheet may be manufactured one year alkaline, the next year acidic; or another company could have bought the mill " changed its policies; or--who knows? Better safe than sorry.

(If this method of finding the papers is too frustrating or cumbersome, the Editor can give some help over the phone, or in case of dire need can even compile a table showing who carries what in a given city. But custom compilations will not be done routinely.)

There may be another obstacle to purchase of alkaline paper: the minimum purchase. The paper distribution system in this country is not set up to serve the small customer. Individuals may have to place group orders through an organization, or talk an institution into using all alkaline papers in their copy centers, and selling small amounts at the counter.

Only xerographic (dry copy) papers are included in this list, but alkaline papers for other copy processes are available. A list can be compiled if there is enough demand.

Neutral & Alkaline Copy Papers


Manufacturer & Brand Names

Distribution Limitations

Finch Pruyn
Finch Opaque SV Copy*
Finch Opaque Xerographic
Not available in West.
Fox River
Technaclear (neutral pH)�
Gilbert Neu-Tech (neutral pH)�
Lancaster Neu-Tech (neutral pH)�
Grays Harbor
Hammermill Xero/Lasercopy (w)�
Hammermill Fore Xerocopy
Hammermill Copier Paper, Type SV 4 -(u/w) - White
Hammermill Tidal MX - White
Only alkaline in Mountain West & West Coast
Sold only in West.
Springhill High-Speed Copy Paper
IPGO High-Speed Copy Paper
NP Finish
Neenah Copier
Nekoosa Xerocopy
25% Nekoosa Xerocopy (will meet ANSI standard for permanence)
Will be made acidic in 1988
To be introduced Jan. 1988
Potlatch, Northwest Division
Carlton HiSpeed Copy Paper
Carlton SVN Copy
Carlton Xerographic
All Carlton papers to be discontinued in 1, 1988
Reward Xerographic
Linen Record Xerographic


*All papers are alkaline and buffered unless marked as neutral.

�For laser printers, but work well in photocopiers too.

The Alkaline Paper Advocate, which begins publication with this issue, will be issued as often as necessary to get the news out. This is estimated to be four or five times during 1988. Subscriptions are an a calendar year basis: all start with the first issue of the year (unless requested otherwise) and end on December 31. Individual subscriptions, and uncomplicated subscriptions from institutions, are $25; others are $40. Overseas subscribers may pay either in dollars or in pounds sterling. Make checks out to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84601.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but anything with news value will be printed if there is room for it. Readers are encouraged to copy and circulate issues and parts of issues, and to reprint unsigned articles and news item in other publications. Permission must be obtained from the Editor before reprinting signed articles, however.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Publisher: Abbey Publications Copyright 1988 Abbey Publications

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