Volume 24, Number 2
- Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa has accepted a teaching and
administrative role at the University of Texas' Preservation and
Conservation Studies program, as of August 1. She is a graduate
from the Columbia University program and served as the first
Preservation Officer for the University of Texas Libraries, then as
the Digital Programs Librarian for the General Libraries.
- John McIntyre, who retired recently from his job as head of
preservation at the National Library of Scotland, was awarded an OBE
(Order of the British Empire) in the Queen's New Year's Honours list
for services to Library and Archives Preservation.
- Steven Puglia has been elected to the board of the National
Information Standards Organization (NISO) for the next three years.
His fellow board members include Pat Harris and Deanna Marcum.
- Mary Wood Lee is serving as the project manager for the FAIC NEH
grant on emergency response workshops. She is now in Connecticut
where her new address is: P.O. Box 125, 5 Railroad Square, West
Cornwall, CT 06796. She can be reached at 860/672-0310 and at Jose
Orraca's studio.
- At the June conference of the AIC, Mary Todd Glaser, NEDCC's
Director of Paper Conservation, received the Rutherford John Gettens
Award for her distinguished career in the conservation field. She
has specialized in the treatment of art on paper for over 35 years,
has taught and lectured here and abroad, and has been active in many
professional projects.
- Maria Esteva has a different, temporary electronic address:
- Robert Feller, Director Emeritus of the Research Center on the
Materials of the Artist and Conservator at Carnegie Mellon Research
Institute, received the 2000 University Products Award for
Distinguished Achievement in Conservation. This consists of a
plaque, a $5000 cash award, and $500 towards AIC meeting attendance.
- Jose Orraca and Christa Gaehde received the 2000 Sheldon and
Caroline Keck Award at the AIC conference in recognition of their
dedication to the education of conservators. Jose Orraca
established training in photographic conservation at the University
of Delaware conservation program, taught at Cooperstown, founded and
chaired Conservators in Private Practice and the AIC Photographic
Materials Specialty Group, and established APOYO (with two Latin
American conservators). Christa Gaehde has taught paper
conservators, beginning and advanced, for over 50 years. In 1965
she co-authored the first book by a professional paper conservator
to educate lay people, A Guide to Collecting and Care of
Original Prints.
- Madelyn Garrett, formerly conservator at the Marriott Library,
University of Utah, has become a curator of rare books at the
Marriott Library, and has been active in outreach and public events
involving books. Last October she received the 1999 Governor's
Award in the Humanities for her roles in the traveling exhibit
Westward Bound, the Marriott Library Book Arts Program and the Rocky
Mountain Guild of Book Workers.
- Agnes Gräfin (Countess) von Ballestrem, legendary champion
of conservation in Europe, retired April 1 from her position as
Director of the Instituut Collectie Nederland (ICN). A farewell
symposium was held March 24 in Amsterdam, with speakers from the
Netherlands and abroad, on themes that were dear to her heart: the
training of conservators to a high standard, research by
conservators, restoration of polychrome sculpture in Latin America,
and the Delta-Plan for preservation in the Netherlands.