The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 24, Number 1

Editor's Page

Photograph of Ellen McCrady

A Thank-You to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, are grateful for the support listed below, as well as for numerous smaller amounts. Donations are listed below for Sponsors ($500 or more), Patrons ($100-$499), and Contributors ($25-$99).

So far in the year 2000, we have received $5218 in gifts, which should cover 6% of our expenses this year. One gift was from a trustee, and one was anonymous.

I have decided to work as a volunteer until we recover from the events of 1999. This will not be a hardship if I do not have any large unexpected expenses (knock wood), because I have social security, an IRA, interest income, and $614 monthly rent from the corporation. I am confident we will get through this period somehow, just as we did in 1978-79 after I closed my bindery, and 1997, after I left my job at Brigham Young University.

Ellen McCrady, Editor


Terry O. Norris
Nancy P. Russell


Elizabeth S. Banks
Bark Frameworks, Inc.
Joan T. Batchelor
Jack Bendror, Mekatronics
John Boral, B2B
Sally A. Buchanan
Elizabeth P. Eldridge
Jean & Lily Froissard
Larry Gates, Metal Edge
Lilly Hollander
David Diggs La Touche
Tawny Ryan Nelb
New York Community Trust
Ocker & Trapp Bindery
Ralph & Christina Ocker
Elaine Schlefer
Nancy Schrock
Richard Daniel Smith
Duane A. Watson

The Abbey Newsletter: Preservation of Library & Archival Materials is issued eight times a year and has about 1000 subscribers. Checks or international money orders may be made out in U.S. dollars, payable to Abbey Publications; send to 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723, USA. Foreign checks must have the name of a U.S. bank printed on the front. Payment may be also made by VISA or MasterCard.

Personal subscriptions are $35; institutional subscriptions are $55, and subscriptions for full-time students and unpaid interns $20. Overseas first class air mail is $10/year. (All rates but those for institutional subscriptions were reduced in 2000.)

Job announcements are billed at the rate of $50 for the heading and the first ten lines (50-55 characters per line), plus $2 per line thereafter. Any notice that is appropriate and newsworthy will be printed if there is room for it. Claims for issues never received will be honored within a year of publication.

All issues are in print, and each volume has its own index. It is the policy of Abbey Publications to use permanent paper for all publications.

The Editor encourages readers to photocopy freely from the Newsletter; but the Editor's permission must be obtained before making more than 20 copies at a time of lengthy or signed articles. This lets us make any necessary corrections or updates, or contact other copyright holders for permission to reprint.

Back issues from 1981 onward are on our Web page in CoOL

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit corporation set up to encourage preservation of written or recorded information, including the use of lasting materials in the creation of records. The corporation has five trustees (Ellen McCrady, Gary Frost, Roberta Pilette, James Wellvang, and Thomas Clareson), and five officers (President Ellen McCrady; first vice president Gary Frost; second vice president Jim Wellvang; secretary Tom Clareson). The office of treasurer is currently vacant.

Editor: Ellen McCrady ©2000 Abbey Publications, Inc.
Bookkeeper: Theresa Williams Phone: 512/929-3992
Editorial Assistant: Amy Filiatreau Fax: 512/929-3992
ISSN: 0276-8291 Tax ID No. 87-0436104

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