The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 23, Number 5



Bioaerosols, Fungi and Mycotoxins: Health Effects, Assessment, Prevention and Control. Eckardt Johanning, ed. (Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fungi, Mycotoxins and Bioaerosols, 1998, Saratoga Springs, NY) 638 pp. Available for $25.00 to participants (and $45 or 45 Euros to others, + shipping); credit cards accepted. U.S. and Canada: Order from Boyd Printing, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 12210 (fax 518/436-7433). Europe/Asia/Africa: Mabuse-Verlag GmbH, Kasseler Str. 1a, 60486 Frankfurt/M., Germany (fax: 49 69 704152).

Papers on health effects, assessment, treatment and practical issues in dealing with mold, by more than 90 international authors, are included. All the papers are peer reviewed reports of research. The editor invites anyone with questions to e-mail him at <>.


The website of the National Archives and Records Administration is a treasure trove of preservation information. In one very long and well-illustrated section it describes the preservation issues involved in the choices of materials and equipment for storage, processing and use of records in the new building, which opened in 1993. Another section, also very long, is "Questions about Photographic Materials." Even the answers to questions for which there is no simple answer, like "Is there a safe way to write on the back of photographs?" cover every consideration and recommend reasonable choices. Also at this website are sections on the research room, NHPRC and grants, records management, digital classroom, the Federal Register, and the Exhibit Hall. There are six specialized e-mail boxes for information requests of different sorts. Go to

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