The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 22, Number 3

BookLab to Close Down Nov. 30

On October 27, Craig Jensen sent out letters to BookLab's clients informing them that BookLab, Inc., would discontinue operations on November 30. The next day, he announced the closing on the Conservation DistList and the PADG (Preservation Administrators Discussion Group) list:

In our ten years as an innovator in the library preservation field, BookLab has developed many extraordinary relationships with clients and colleagues. Beginning in 1988 with the introduction of preservation photocopy, BookLab has been on the cutting edge of technological advances in preservation. We have consistently met the changing needs of our library clients. Today, however, our industry is ready for consolidation.

We have reached the decision to discontinue our operations as BookLab as of November 30, 1998. We have stopped taking new work, but we will complete all work which is already here. This was a difficult decision for us, not least because of the strength of our relationships with our clients. Although BookLab, Inc., is dissolving, many of us will remain in the library preservation field.

Paul Parisi, President of Acme Bookbinding, and Jim Larsen, Present of Bridgeport National Bindery, have been part owners of BookLab since its incorporation in 1988. Their companies now offer many of the same services as BookLab. For this reason, we suggest that those interested consider sending work that would have gone to BookLab to either of these fine full-service binderies.

As we close our Austin facility, we will devote the majority of our attention to assuring that this transition is as simple and as comfortable as possible. We will fulfill all outstanding orders before we close our doors, and will assist in forwarding new work to Acme and Bridgeport. Please call us with any questions and concerns.

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