Volume 20, Number 8
Dec 1996
Supplies & Services
Note: Suppliers should send their news and samples to the
column editor, Elizabeth Morse. She is Assistant Conservator,
Harvard University Library, Conservation Laboratory, Holyoke Center
Room 847, Cambridge, MA 02138 (617/495-8596, fax 617/496-8344).
Description or mention of products or services in this column
should not be taken as an endorsement.
- Thin flexible heating mats, which are about 1/16" thick,
are designed to wrap around beakers; they can be purchased in
a wide range of sizes and with a silicone or Kapton finish that
is described as resistant to mold and most solvents. The mats
require an adaptor cord and rheostat to regulate temperature.
The smallest mat is 1" x 5" and can be adapted for use
to apply heat locally for pressure-sensitive tape removal in
situ for books or oversize paper documents. For the creative
conservator there must be dozens of other uses for these mats
in the conservation lab.
The mats are available from Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, 625
East Bunker Court, Vernon Hills, IL 60061. Their telephone number
is 800/323-4340.
- HDS Services and Equipment, Manufacturers and Suppliers of
Specialized Ultrasonic Equipment, have for five years supplied
the field with ultrasonic document encapsulators. One such encapsulator,
the HDS "Keeper," has design features which include
continuous welding capability, cross welding, simple spot welding,
and modular design for efficient servicing, just to name a few.
The throat opening is either 900 mm or 1300 mm depending on the
model. For additional information and pricing please contact
Mr. Harry Singh, l Holdenby Road, Crofton Park, London, England,
SE4 2DA. Their telephone and fax is +44 181 694 0442.
- Abby Shaw, formerly of Archivart, is now Director of Marketing
for Conservation Resources International, Springfield, VA. She
can be reached directly in her Philadelphia office at 1-800/639-8422
or 1-215/625-8422. Her fax number is 215/625-8489 and her e-mail
address is crisales@aol.com. [Her new job, and her 800 number
and fax number, were announced previously, but not her second
telephone number or e-mail address.]
- Harcourt Bindery is the agent for the Mochizuki bookcloth
manufacturing company of Japan, which makes Japanese bookcloths.
Harcourt is acting as importer and wholesaler. For wholesale
orders, please contact Harcourt directly at 617/542-5858. Their
fax is 617/451-9058.