The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 20, Number 3
Aug 1996


Note: The classification number that follows each entry is there to help the editor arrange, file and find the citations. When the publisher's address is not given, it can usually be found in the list of Useful Addresses that is mailed out yearly to subscribers.


ARL Preservation Statistics 1994-95. 76 pages, paperback, $65 (ARL members $35), ISSN 1050-7442, June 1996. Describes staffing, expenditures, conservation, and preservation treatment as well as microfilming. Nearly 50,000 more volumes were microfilmed in 1994-95 than the previous year. Eighty-one of the 115 reporting ARL libraries employed a professional preservation administrator; 61 were full-time. External funding accounted for about 13% of total preservation expenditures. Conservation activity and number of staff held steady. For more information contact Martha Kyrillidou, Program Officer for Statistics and Measurement, ARL, 21 Dupont Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202/ 296-2296 ext. 139, fax 202/872-0884, (1A2)


Paper Buyers' Encyclopedia Disk System, Version 6.0, has been completely redesigned for the 1996/97 release. It is a Windows program, with sections for paper, company, and reference information. The paper section can be searched by category (classification), brand name, company name, and any paper attribute. The company section lists information on the mills, converters, and paper suppliers in the database, and can be searched by mill, converter, supplier and companies that list grades. It can be sorted geographically or by corporate name. Thus, one can easily find information about the mill that makes a particular grade of paper, and which local merchants handle it--a valuable service for the smaller consumer.

Minimum system requirements: 386 processor, Windows 3.1. No Mac version. Cost: $150. For more information call Grade Finders Inc. at 610/524-7070 or fax 610/524-8912. The disk system is offered in addition to the printed versions of the Competitive Grade Finder Pocket Edition ($30) and the Paper Buyers' Encyclopedia ($95). (1C4.5)


International Directory on Training in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. 5th ed., 1994. 176 pp. ISBN 0-89236-252-9. English/French. $15, payable only by credit card or international money order, from ICCROM, Publications Sales Dept., Via di San Michele 13, I-00153 Rome RM, Italy (e-mail: (1D6)


The New-York Historical Society: Lessons from One Nonprofit's Long Struggle for Survival, by Kevin M. Guthrie. Foreword by Willliam G. Bowen. Published by Jossey-Bass, 1996. 270 pages, hardcover. $26.25 to members of the National Center for Nonprofit Boards; $35 nonmembers. Call 800/883-6262 or fax 202/452-6299.

The NCNB's blurb says: The New-York Historical Society is home to one of the nation's most distinguished research libraries and a world-class museum that includes an impressive collection of Tiffany glasswork and prized Hudson River School paintings, among other treasures. Yet this prestigious institution--with assets estimated to be worth between one and two billion dollars--has in recent years faced an endless string of financial crises and administrative controversies.

The New-York Historical Society takes a probing look behind the headlines to reveal the truth concerning the difficulties that have plagued the Society. This fascinating examination of the Society's efforts to overcome a tradition of mismanagement and elitism is not an exposé but an effort to understand. Author Kevin Guthrie also includes analyses and lessons to be learned for all nonprofits. This thoughtful work is required reading for those interested in learning from a living case study of potentials and missed opportunities that all nonprofits face. (1G9)


The ACGIH catalog lists some interesting books on sick buildings, bioaerosols and related subjects. Here are some of them:

  1. Indoor Air Quality and HVAC Systems, by David W. Bearg. Publication 9333. 1993. ISBN 0-87371-574-8. $67
  2. Guidelines for the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Indoor Environment. ACGIH is apparently the author and publisher. 1990. 93 pp. ISBN 0-936712-83-X. Pubn 3180. $33.
  3. Sick Buildings: Definition, Diagnosis and Mitigation, by Thad Godish. Pubn 9522. 1995. 414 pp. ISBN 0-87371-346-X. $69.
  4. Atmospheric Microbial Aerosols: Theory and Applications. Bruce Lighthart and Alan Jeff Mohr, eds. 1994. Pubn 9501. ISBN 0-412-03181-7. 407 pp. $99.
  5. Bioaerosols Handbook. Christopher S. Cox and Christopher M. Wathes, eds. 1995. Pubn 9611. 639 pp. $79. ISBN 0-87371-615-9.

To place an order or receive the catalog with its descriptions of the contents of each book, call 513/742-2020, fax 742-3355 or e-mail The catalog is 72 pages long, and includes ACGIH's listing of TLVs (Threshhold Limit Values), 144 pages long, Pubn 1125, $10 paper, $249 diskette, $695 CD-ROM. (2C1.8)


Fungi and Bacteria in Indoor Air Environments: Health Effects, Detection and Remediation. Eckardt Johanning and Chin S. Yang, eds. Eastern New York Occupational Health Program, 1 CHP Plaza, Latham, NY 12110. 1995. ISBN 0-9647307-0-7. 228 pages. $30 + $4.50 shipping and handling. To order call 800/877-2693. For international orders, fax information to: 518/436-7433; major credit cards accepted.

This is the proceedings from the International Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY Oct. 6-7, 1994, which was sponsored by Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Dept. of Environmental & Occupational Medicine; Eastern NY Occupational Health Program; and US Public Health Service, Division of Federal Occupational Health, Philadelphia. The table of contents lists 23 papers, two panel discussions and one Special Appendix (a consensus on Stachybotrys atra remediation, from a May 1993 meeting). All of the papers relate to the effect of fungi and bacteria on the health of humans and animals. They are grouped by topic: Bioaerosols and Health; Regional Examples; Exposure Assessment; Epidemiology/Health Effects Investigations; Controls/Remediation Issues; and Legal Issues.

Some of the papers are:

Aerosol Mycotoxins: A Veterinary Experience and Perspective, by Eeva-Liisa Hintikka
Mycotoxins in the Air: Keep Your Buildings Dry or the Bogeyman Will Get You, by Bruce B. Jarvis
Respiratory Disease Caused by Bioaerosols--Exposure and Diagnosis, by Ragnar Rylander
Studies on Fungi in Air-Conditioned Buildings in a Humid Climate, by Philip R. Morey
A Study of Community Health Symptoms and Bioaerosol Levels Near a Yard Waste Composting Facility, by Edward Horn
Understanding the Biology of Fungi Found Indoors, by Chin S. Yang
Health Problems Related to Fungal Exposure--The Example of Toxigenic Stachybotrys Chartarum (atra), by Eckardt Johanning
Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Stachybotrys atra in Indoor Air Environments (the May 1993 Consensus Statement) (2C1.8)


Biodeterioration of Paper and Books, by Yuliya P. Nyuksha. St. Petersburg, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994. 230 pp. In Russian and English. To order, send a Western Union International money transfer service to Mr. Victor Revoltovich Krym, St.-Petersburg, Russia. He says to call Western Union and get the ten-figure number of the transfer. Tell Mr. Krym the number, and your full mailing address, via e-mail ( with the subject "For Victor Krym"), and within a week you will receive a notice that the book has been sent to you.

The book identifies 288 species of fungi that grow on books and paper and characterizes their damage at macro and micro level. It covers modes of contamination, forms of development, relationship between the "diseases" of books and human mycopathology; and methods of protecting collections. Both scientific and practical workers should find it useful.

Mr. Krym is a bibliographer in the Department of Document Conservation and Research in the Russian Academy of Sciences (BAN). (2H)


Insect Pests in Museums, by D. Pinniger. Great Britain: IAP. 3rd ed. 1994. vii + 58 pp. ISBN 1-873132-55-7. English. $12 from ICCROM (see entry for International Directory on Training, above, under 1D6). (2H1.2)


"No Magic Bullets: Ethical Considerations for Pest Management Strategies," by Monona Rossol and Wendy C. Jessup, is a 31-page paper available from ACTS for the cost of copying and mailing ($5.00). Write or call ACTS, 181 Thompson St., #23, New York, NY 10012-2586 (212/777-0062). The paper covers all major biocide classes and workable precautions. (2H3.6)


A poster has been issued by the Utah State Archives and the University of Utah's Marriott Library to commemorate the passage of the Utah Centennial Permanent Paper Law earlier this year. This 21" by 14" limited edition poster, designed by graphic artist McRay Magleby, features two-color silk screen images illustrating early hand papermaking. They surround a block of text urging the reader to use alkaline paper:

Preserve our print heritage. The tradition of permanent papermaking flourishes. Fine, acid-free (alkaline) paper is commercially available in a wide array of grades, weights, and colors from all paper distributors and copy centers. Insist on permanent, acid-free paper for all your correspondence, photocopying, and printing needs. When compared with acidic paper, alkaline paper costs no more, lasts up to ten times longer, and is more environmentally friendly. So make sure your paper is worthy of your words. Always ask for acid-free.

These posters can be purchased, while supplies last, for $8.00 each, plus $2.50 for postage and handling within the U.S. (plus state tax for individuals ordering within the state of Utah). Address requests to Randy Silverman, Preservation, Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801/585-6782). (3A9.4)


"Analysis of the Accelerated Thermal Aging of Oil Ink Vehicles Using Isothermal Thermogravimetry," by C. Castro, C. Daneault and G.M. Dorris. 3rd Research Forum on Recycling, Vancouver, BC, 20-22 Nov. 1995, pp. 9-16 (CPPA, 1995, 278 pp., C$35, ISBN 1-895288-89-4).

Isothermal thermogravimetry was used to find out why aged print was so hard to deink. Two vegetable oils and one mineral oil used in offset printing were aged, and preliminary data indicate that the phenomenon of ink vehicle (oil) aging is greatly accelerated by small changes in temperature, especially in the range of natural aging. Formation of hyperperoxides (by fixation of oxygen in oil) proceeds slowly at first, and only small concentrations of oxygen are required. Aging of print starts directly after printing and proceeds without interruption until the old paper is repulped. (3B1.9)


Solubility and Solvents for Conservation Problems, by G. Torraca. 4th ed., 1990. 70 pp. ISBN 92-9077-092-9. English. $8, payable only by credit card or international money order, from ICCROM, Publications Sales Dept., Via di San Michele 13, I-00153 Rome RM, Italy (e-mail: (3B2.35)


"The Sandwich Concept," by A. Byrd. Paper Europe v. 8 # 11, Feb. 1996, p. 16. (PBA Abstract 4569, 1996)

A new three-layer office communication paper from Neusiedler AG, Austria, can be made with one kind of paper on the outside and another on the inside. The outer layers will always be ECF or TCF, but the inside can be CTMP or recycled fiber. Neusiedler is the first company in the world to make this kind of paper. It calls for a special paper machine with a three-layer headbox. (3B3)


The Year 2000 Computing Crisis: A Millennium Date Conversion Plan, by Jerome T. Murray and Marilyn J. Murray. McGraw Hill, 1996, 321 pp., paperback, $39.95. This can be ordered by Visa or MasterCard from Science News Books (800/544-4565; in DC area, 202/331-9653).

The publisher's blurb says that one of the most pressing concerns of the new millennium is the havoc certain to be wrought on the world's mainframes, as most are unable to fathom 2000. The Murrays explain the problem and define the algorithms and mathematical notations involved in the time computations to follow. They then assess the potential problems and provide this tool kit for addressing them on one's own computer. A diskette accompanying the book contains the book's ALC (BAL), RPG, and COBOL source languages. (5C)


"The Disaster of the Century: The Year 2000," by Donald Fowler. Disaster Recovery Journal, Summer 1996, p. 19-20. The author explains why this is a serious problem: numerical computations would be thrown off; the computer would incorrectly assume 2000 is a non-leap year; all computers from the smallest desktop to the largest servers and mainframes, even those in telephones and security systems would be affected; vendors may still be shipping hardware that will not recognize the year 2000; some mainframes may be unfixable; most application software will need extensive revision, though some are unfixable; and the expense will be huge (estimated at $300 to $600 billion worldwide).

The author recommends contacting each vendor and asking for either a written statement of year 2000 compliance, or their repair plan if they are not in compliance, and for other information. He also describes a simple test to see if a PC is in compliance: "Set the date to Dec. 31, 1999, and the time to 23:59:00. Turn the machine off and back on. Then issue the date command or query the system date. A very large percentage of the currently installed PC inventory will indicate the system date as either 1980 or 1984, not 2000! These machines contain BIOS and time-of-day chipsets that are not year 2000 compliant." (5C)


Science for Conservators. Book 1-An Introduction to Materials. Book 2-Cleaning. Book 3- Adhesives and Coatings. UK: Routledge. 1992. English. Each book is $20 from ICCROM (see entry for International Directory on Training, above, under 1D6). (6F3)

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