Volume 19, Number 1
Mar 1996
- Sherelyn Ogden and Allan Thenen were married May 12. Sherelyn
will relocate to St. Paul, where she will be in private practice
and consulting. She will maintain her ties to NEDCC, on a consulting
basis. Their address, beginning in May, will be 2004 Summit Ave.,
St. Paul, MN 55105 (612/ 690-5897).
- Regina Sinclair took up new duties as Preservation Librarian
at the University of Iowa on February 19. She was formerly at
Johns Hopkins University, where she held a similar position.
In 1990 and 1991 she was a Mellon Intern in Preservation Administration
at Stanford University.
- Arno Werner, widely respected bookbinder and teacher, died
July 28, 1995. There is a long obituary by Carol Blinn in the
Guild of Book Workers
Newsletter for December 1995. He was born in 1899, and
was still putting in full days of work in his shop in Hadlyme,
Connecticut, through his seventies.