The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 19, Number 8
Dec 1995

Program for Erice Conference Announced

Over 70 papers will be given at the International conference on Conservation and Restoration of Archive and Library Materials, April 22-29 in Erice, Sicily. Some of the speakers most familiar to U.S. audiences, and their papers, are listed below, as well as papers on topics of current interest. Only selected papers from the first half of the program are listed. Papers on non-invasive restoration, scientific research and the conservator, ephemera, and new techniques and materials had to be omitted here for lack of space.

B. Ogden: Assessing Needs and Setting Priorities in Preservation and Conservation for Multi-institutional Cooperation

Diane Nester Kresh: Preservation for the 21st Century

Mirjam Foot: International Cooperation in the Field of Preservation: Our Only Hope for the Future

Jan Michaels: Strategies for Ensuring the Use of Permanent Paper

M. Lilli di Franco & co-authors: European Course for Specialist Training for Conservators-restorers of Book Materials

T.C. Albro and S. Rodgers: A Delicate Balance: Conservation and the Demands of a Modern Research Library

W. Lull: A Good Preservation Environment: Planning & Architecture

E. Zinn: Pollution Protection Offered by Archival Storage Enclosures

C.L. Kendrick: The Design and Operation of Remote Storage Facilities in Support of Preservation Programs

F. Gallo & P. Valenti: Mass Interventions in Two Italian Libraries

N. Valentin: Assessment of Biodeterioration Processes on Organic Materials. Control Methods

F. Gallo et al.: Research on the Viability of Fungal Spores in Relation to Different Microclimates and Materials

J. Petushkova et al.: Degradation of Parchment and Leather by Enzymes

M. Vaillant Callol: Work Aimed to Protect the Health of Documental Heritage Conservators

J. Wheeler: Audio and Video Tape Preservation

P.Z. Adelstein: Standards for Preservation of Electronic Imaging

P.F. Munafò & M.S. Storace: A Work in Progress: The Census of Medieval Bookbindings

J.L. Sharpe: The Earliest Bindings with Wooden Board Covers: The Coptic Contribution to Binding Construction

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