Volume 19, Number 4
Sep 1995
- Arno Werner, a well-known New England bookbinder who taught some
of America's finest binders, died July 28. He was born in 1899. He
was the subject of an article by David Bourbeau in the Guild of Book Workers
Newsletter for August 1992.
- Tom Vanderlinden, a printmaker with experience in the printing
industry, and formerly of BookLab in Austin, started August 14
as Printing Department Manager at Bridgeport National Bindery
in Massachusetts, a library bindery that also offers a preservation
photocopy service. Tom's telephone number is 800/223-5083.
- Peter Waters, who has been the Conservation Officer at the
Library of Congress for 25 years, is retiring. An invitational
party is being held for him on October 15 at the home of Barbara
Gould Plesser.
- Ellen Chin, Conservator of the New York City Municipal Archives,
won the 1995 Gaylord Collections Conservation Award, which includes
a $1000 grant for conservation training and a trip to the 1995
AIC conference.
- Fred J. Marsh, Head of Conservation at the India Office Library
and Records, died early in September 1995. Mark Vine announced
this on the Conservation DistList September 9, saying, in part,
"Over the years Fred was to many students, conservators and
custodians around the world a source of information, someone one
could always contact for advice and guidance, . . . a pioneer
if there ever was one in conservation, certainly a gentleman in
every sense of the word."
- John W. Carlin was sworn in as the eighth Archivist of the
United States on June 1, 1995.
- Trudy Huskamp Peterson, Acting Archivist since March 1993,
announced her intention to retire from the Federal Government
on May 31, 1995, after 20 years of service.