The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 19, Number 2
May 1995

Jan Merrill-Oldham Chosen to Head Preservation at Harvard

Jan Merrill-Oldham was recently appointed Malloy-Rabinowitz Preservation Librarian in the Harvard University Library and Harvard College Library.

Ms. Merrill-Oldham had been head of the Preservation Department at the University of Connecticut Libraries in Storrs, Connecticut since 1985.

As one of the nation's leading figures in the field of library preservation, her expertise and accomplishments are impressive and varied. She has experience in a broad range of preservation functions, including needs assessment, environmental control, disaster preparedness and recovery, reformatting, bindery and shelf preparation, staff and user education, and conservation.

Ms. Merrill-Oldham has been extraordinarily active in professional organizations, has taught and lectured at library preservation institutes, library schools, and Columbia's Rare Book School, and has published prolifically. She received the BA in English from the University of Connecticut/Storrs and the MLS from the University of Rhode Island.

(From The Harvard Librarian, v.27, #1, Spr. 1995)

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