The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 18, Number 7
Nov 1994


ALA Midwinter: Preservation Meetings

The American Library Association's Midwinter meeting will be in Philadelphia, Feb. 3-9, but the preservation-related group and committee meetings will be held Feb. 3-6. Room numbers are not known yet, some meetings may be added, and some meeting times may change, but at this stage the schedule is approximately as given below. For simplicity, all meetings that start at the same time are listed together, though some will last longer than others.

Friday Feb. 3
2:00: Coop Pres Discussion Group; PADG
5:30: PARS Membership Reception
Saturday Feb. 4
9:30: Library Binders Discussion Group
11:30: Quality & Physical Trmts Disc. Gp
2:00: Books & Paper Com.; Photo & Recording Media
4:30: Education & Outreach Discussion Gp

Sunday Feb. 5
9:30: Educators & Instructors DG; CMDS/PARS DG
2:00: Education Com.; Imaging Discussion Gp
4:30: PARS Disc. Gp; Pres of Sci Matls Subcom

Monday Feb. 6
9:30: Pubrs/Vendor Lib. Relations Com
11:30: Microfilming Discussion Gp
2:00: Policy & Planning Com.; Reformatting Com.

Heckman Acquires Herzberg

On September 1, Heckman Bindery, Inc., North Manchester, Indiana, acquired the assets of the library binding division of Hertzberg-New method, Inc., of Jacksonville, Illinois. During a nine-month transition period, both companies will work together to transfer the assets and customer base to North Manchester.

Hertzberg-New Method will retain its name, building and employees. Their library binding employees will gradually be transferred into Hertzberg's "Perma-Bound" new book division.

Grants from New Program in National Park Service

The National Center for preservation Technology and Training announces the availability of grants in historic preservation for fiscal year 1995. The Center is a new initiative by the National Park Service to advance the practice of historic preservation in the fields of archaeology, architecture, landscape architecture, materials conservation and interpretation. Through its grant program, the Center will provide funds for research and training activities that seek to develop and distribute preservation skills and technologies for the identification, evaluation, conservation, and inter-terpretation of cultural resources, including those held in libraries and archives.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. Only government agencies and not-for-profit institutions may apply.

The final date for receipt of applications is April 1, 1995. To request an application or receive further information, contact Ellen Kish, National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, NSU, P.O. Box 5682, Natchitoches, Louisiana 71497, 318/357-6464.

[Note from the Editor: Natchitoches is pronounced "Nack uh tish" by the local residents. Texas has a town with a similar spelling but different pronunciation, Nacogdoches, pronounced "Nak uh doh chess."] (1M)

A Fungus that Eats Cockroaches

One of the handouts at the October 22-23 conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "Pest, Insect, & Fungus Management," was a flier about the Bio-Path Cockroach Control Chamber from EcoScience Corporation (Worcester, MA 01605). The "chamber" looks like the type of ant trap that is sold in grocery stores. The flier says , "What makes this agent work so well as a cockroach killer is our proprietary delivery system. . . . Inside the Bio-Path chamber is a concentrated quantity of a fungus (this fungus is found naturally in soils all over the world). The cockroach enters the chamber, comes in contact with the fungus, is attacked by it, and dies." The fungus spreads to other roaches by contact, so the effect goes beyond the one that entered the chamber. (2H3.5)

Call for Papers: Erice (Italy), April 1996

The Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro is organizing a six-day meeting in April 1996 on the conservation and restoration of books and documents. It will be held at the International Centre of Scientific Culture "Ettore Maiorana" (CICS) in Erice, Sicily.

Speakers' travel and accommodation will be paid. Others will pay $700 for accommodation (most rooms shared), meals and participation in the meeting. There will be 10 grants for students.

The two official languages will be Italian and English, with simultaneous translation. Papers given at the meeting must be unpublished works based on original research, no longer than 30 minutes. Deadline for submission: December 1995, on floppy disk if possible. Preferred software: Word [the announcement does not specify whether PC or Macintosh].

One day will be devoted to tours, and papers will be presented in two simultaneous sessions on the other five days.

For a provisional list of 10 topics chosen for sessions, and additional information, contact Carlo Federici; Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro; Via Milano, 76; 00184 Rome; Italy (tel. 011-39-6-48291235, fax 6-4814968). (Some countries, like Italy, may use more digits in telephone numbers than in fax numbers.) (3.3)

New Addresses for Bindery & Newsletter

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