The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 18, Number 6
Oct 1994


Assistant Paper Conservator

Yale Center for British Art

The Department of Prints, Drawings, and Rare Books has a fulltime opportunity available in the paper conservation laboratory. The laboratory cares for works of art on paper in the Yale Center for British Art and the Yale University Art Gallery. The Assistant Paper Conservator is responsible for conservation treatments, museum preservation and laboratory support activities under the direction of the Chief Conservator.

Requirements: master's degree in art conservation and two years experience, or equivalent. Museum experience is preferred.

Yale University offers a competitive salary and fringe benefit program. Starting date is flexible.

Send resumes to: Ms. D. Temple, Yale University, Department of Human Resources, 155 Whitney Avenue, PO Box 208256, New Haven, CT 06520-8256.

Yale University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

Preservation Administration Intern

Columbia Universities Library

This is a temporary ten-month internship, funded by a grant from the New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials. The intern will report to the Director for Preservation. Responsibilities will include surveying the condition of a library collection, assessing current preservation procedures and needs, assisting in the preparation of grant proposals, and other appropriate special projects. The intern will have the opportunity to participate in planning sessions, policy discussions, and other library-wide preservation activities.

In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: knowledge of preservation and conservation practices and techniques, as demonstrated through previous relevant experience in a research or academic institution and/or successful completion of a formal program/classes in the preservation of research library materials. Preference will be given to qualified New York State Residents, including students graduating from New York Library schools and librarians working in New York institutions. Out-of-state applicants will be considered only if there are no qualified in-state applicants.

Salary: $27,970 for ten months. Preferred starting date is 4/1/95. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and significant support for job-related travel. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Jane Hunt, Human Resources Office, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Columbia University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

Part-Time Editorial Assistant

Abbey Publications Office

The editor of the Abbey Newsletter needs a part-time assistant to help with the Abbey Newsletter, the Alkaline Paper Advocate, and other publications of this office, 15-20 hours a week. This work may include upkeep of subject files, sending out information and making inquiries by mail, e-mail and fax, making telephone inquiries, filling orders for booklets, proofreading, occasional writing, compiling databases, preparing camera-ready copy on the Macintosh, assistance with pasteup and mailing out newsletters, and other duties as required. The assistant will work closely with both the editor and the administrative assistant, and will receive all necessary training in operations for which aptitude is shown.

Required: Some knowledge of preservation or book and paper conservation; good communication skills (listening, speaking, writing, reading, spelling, typing, computer); ability to get the main idea and work consistently toward a goal; average or above-average speed, accuracy and problem-solving ability; willingness to work as a team member. Pre-ferred: some scientific or technical background.

The office is in a private home at 7105 Geneva Drive, Austin, TX 78723 (512/929-3992; fax 929-3995). Pay negotiable. Fax resume or call the editor (Ellen McCrady) for employment interview. The position will remain open until filled.

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