The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 18, Number 4-5
Aug-Sep 1994


Larry Hackman, Assistant Commissioner of Education for Archives and Records for New York State, will be the Executive Officer of an organization created in 1992 to seek public and private funds to preserve and make accessible endangered records in the State Archives. The organization is called the New York State Archives Partnership Trust. It is a public benefit corporation, created through legislation.

Louise Genest has been accepted into the Meister der Einbandkunst, the German master bookbinding guild, by an international jury of binders from Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium.

Brenda Banks was elected Vice President of the Society of American Archivists in March, and will become the President in 1995-96.

Dr. Nathan Stolow has recently returned from a lecture and consultation tour in Australia on current conservation and museum concerns. The tour took him to Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide, where he described museum case design for climate-sensitive collections; conservation problems of historic houses and sites; conservation issues in America; and the art of fraud, as recently practiced.

Mark Esser has left his position as bookbinding instructor at the North Bennet Street School in July and is now book conservator at the Burns Library in Boston College.

Elaine Haas, founder and proprietor of TALAS, has retired from the conservation-and-book art supply business after 32 years. Mrs. Haas can be reached at her home address: 35-20 Leverich St., Apt. B522 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718/458-7908).

Lois Olcott Price is now Book Conservator at the Winterthur Museum Library. [See correction in Dec 1994 issue]

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