The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 18, Number 2
Jun 1994

Preliminary Program, IADA 1995

IADA, the professional organization of German-speaking book and paper conservators, will meet in Tfbingen, September 19-23, 1995. Since the last time it met (Uppsala, August 1991), the organization has begun to follow the modern trend away from treatment to emphasize preservation measures. The tentative program includes the following papers among the 34 announced in the March/April 1994 issue of Restauro:

Astrid Brandt: Klimakontrolle und Magazinhygiene in der Bibliothéque Nationale de France: Ein Beispiel passiver Konservierung

Ernst Bartelt: Ausstellungstechnik (Exhibition Methods)

H. Weber: Conservation Management

Vera Flamm: Neue Erkenntnisse am Pergament (A New Look at Parchment)

Karin Troschke: Konservatorische Möglichkeiten für Papierobjekte in Schlössern mit höchster Besucherzahl (Conservation Options for Paper Objects in Castles with Large Numbers of Visitors)

Jedert Vodopivec: Der Schutz und die Verwahrung von Pergamenturkunden und Siegeln in Slosenien (Care and Protection of Parchment Documents and Seals in Slovenia)

O.P. Agrawal: Non-European Conservation Methods/Materials

Philip Meredith: Far Eastern Paper Conservation in Europe and Some Relations to Preventive Conservation

W. Castelijns: Pilot Project for a Special Filter- and Air Conditioning System for Smaller Archives

T.A.G. Steemers: Preventive Conservation in Dutch Archives, Including Boxing, Floorcleaning Systems, Filter Systems

René Larsen: Status of the Work of Environment, STEP Leather Project

Nedim Sönmez: Geschichte der Buntpapiere (Marmorpapiere) (History of Decorative Paper [Marbled Paper])

Peter Waters: St. Petersburg [A Report]

Anna Haberditzl: Die verschiedenen Methoden zur Bekämpfung von mikrobiologischen Befall [working title] (Various Methods for Controlling Microbiological Infection)

Judith Hofenk de Graaff: On the State of the Art of the Research on the Influence of Buffered Boxes in Relation to Air Pollution

Johann Neevel: Research on the Influence of Photocopying and Photo Flashes on Paper and other Objects

Günther Müller: Zeitungskonservierung. Eine neue Methode zum Schutz brüchiger Zeitungen (Conservation of Newspapers. A New Method for Protecting Brittle Newspapers)

Susan Herion: Preventive Conservation at the Swiss National Library

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