The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 17, Number 2
Sep 1993


Lawrence Towner, librarian emeritus of the Newberry Library, died in June 1992.

Peter Waters, Conservation Officer at the Library of Congress since 1971, was reassigned several months ago to the new position of Preservation Strategic Planning Officer. Mr. Waters' duties include undertaking a variety of complex assessments and planning projects relating to collections preservation, conservation housing and storage, as well as conducting related studies to further the Library's understanding of preservation principles and technologies. Mr. Waters' new address is: Preservation Directorate, LM G-21, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540 (202/707-1784; fax 707-3434).

Murray Millar, formerly at the Australian War Memorial, retired from the Australian Public Service July 2, at age 62. He and his wife are moving to a small seaside resort in Queensland, where he looks forward to having some time to bind a few books.

Julia Miller has resigned her position as library conservator at the University of Michigan Conservation Unit. She will be working in private practice and can be reached at 4215 Shetland Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313/971-3989).

Holly Maxson, a paper and photographs conservator previously practicing in downtown Philadelphia, has moved her private business to Manhattan. She can be contacted at 4 E. 12th St., #1, New York, NY 10003 (212/463-7010; fax 463-7004).

Sue E. Campion has joined the staff at CCAHA as conservator. She received a Higher Diploma/BA degree at Camberwell and worked at both Cambridge and Oxford before completing an advanced internship at CCAHA.

Robert Morrison, lecturer in paper conservation at the University of Canberra, has retired. In August 1977, when he was Assistant Director at NEDCC (then called the New England Document Conservation Center), he wrote a long letter to the editor of this newsletter about the questionable methods recommended in an Antiquarian Bookman article entitled "Kitchen Chemistry in the Care of Books."

Gary Saretzky has left Educational Testing Service, where he established the corporate archives 24 years ago, to become an archival consultant. He is available to assist libraries and archives in the organization, description, and preservation of archival materials, with special emphasis on photographic materials. He can be reached at 700 Trumbull Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609/392-4484).

Randy Silverman became Preservation Librarian at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on July 1.

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