The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 17, Number 2
Sep 1993

PTI Pilot Plant Ready, Sans Freon; Deacidification Services Offered to Public

Preservation Technologies, Inc., whose mass deacidification process (the Bookkeeper Process) is currently being evaluated by the Library of Congress, has found a different carrier for the magnesium oxide particles that are the "active ingredient" in the Bookkeeper formula. The carrier is neither a freon (CFC) nor an HCFC, but a perfluoroalkane, and it is said to give no problems with ink migration.

PTI now has a working prototype machine in its Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, facility. In order to give the library community an opportunity to evaluate it, they are offering to treat books for $8.00 each, in lots with a minimum of 20 books. Because production capacity is limited, arrangements must be made ahead of time by calling 800/416-BOOK. The deacidification spray is also sold in cans and spray bottles.

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