Watson was appointed Assistant for Preservation Planning and
Administration at the New York Public Library as of January 19.
This is a one-year temporary appointment, funded by the Andrew W.
Mellon Preservation Endowment. He was Associate Librarian for
Preservation at the New York Historical Society from 1987 to 1993;
before that, he was at NYPL for four years.
Christopher Calnan is leaving the Leather Conservation Centre
in Northampton, England, to establish his own consultancy and
practical workshop, where he will offer a full range of work on
historical leather objects, as well as specialist analysis and
scientific investigations. His new address is 57 Park Avenue South,
Northampton NN3 3AB; tel. (0604) 36496; Fax (0604) 26337.
Fox Butler of Cincinnati accepted a post last fall as part-time
Binder-in-Residence at Transylvania University in Lexington,
Kentucky, where she will be restoring, preserving and rebinding the
University's rare books and its 18th century medical collection.
She has taken on several students, one of whom is receiving college
credit for his work.
Garlick has been made a fellow of the American Institute for
Merrill-Oldham has been appointed to the position of Marketing
and Sales Director for Acme Bookbinding of Charlestown,
Fiske has joined the conservation staff at Winter-thur Museum,
Delaware, as associate paper conservator.
Hindhaugh has left the Paper Conservation Section of the
Victoria and Albert Museum to set up a private conservation practice
in London.
Wood, formerly Operations Manager and Chief Engineer of
Blackmon-Mooring-Steamatic Catastrophe in Fort Worth, is now with
Disaster Recovery Services, a new firm that operates nationally. He
can be contacted at DRS, 414 Blue Smoke Court West, Fort Worth, TX
76105 (800/856-3333 or 817/535-6793, fax 817/536-1167).
Raymond has joined the New York State Archives and Records
Administration as the Regional Advisory Officer in the Local
Government Records Services' Region 3 office in Albany. He was
previously Assistant Director for Micrographics at NEDCC.
(Bobbie) Pilette will become the Book Conservation Laboratory
Instructor at the University of Texas at Austin next fall in the
Preservation and Conservation Studies for Libraries and Archives
Program of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
She is a 1984 graduate of the Conservation Education Programs at
Columbia University.
Ferris has become the new Head of the National Preservation
Office at the British Library. She has been with the British
Library since 1975 and has been Manager of the Register of
Preservation Microforms since 1986.
Fox has resigned from SOLINET, where she established the SOLINET
Preservation Program in 1985, to work independently as a trainer and
consultant. She is available to provide training programs in a wide
range of preservation topics and to assist in institutional and
cooperative planning projects. She may now be reached at 840
Rosedale Ave., Atlanta, GA 30312-3626 (tel. 404/627-2855, Internet
Diaz Cressman was appointed Manager of Microfilming Operations
at NEDCC as of March 1. She comes to NEDCC from MAPS, where she had
six years of preservation microfilming experience, four of them as
Lilly has been appointed as New York State Library Development
Specialist II (Conservation), to start June 10.
Atkins is a Mellon Intern in Preservation Administration at Yale
Martin has accepted the position of conservator for the Milbank
Memorial Library, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Cunha is teaching a one-month credit course this month in
library and archives management at the University of Kentucky. The
class meets two hours a day for a total of 40 hours.
A. (Cathy) Bell was appointed Collections Conservation
Librarian, Preservation Department, General Libraries at the
University of Texas at Austin on March 8. She was formerly
Assistant Conservator, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young