The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 17, Number 1
May 1993

Obituary: Myra Jo Moon

* Myra Jo Moon, Preservation Librarian at Colorado State University, died March 15 after a brief illness. She had joined the Libraries in 1965, first as assistant catalog librarian, then working as preparations librarian. She established the Libraries' preservation program following her appointment as preservation librarian in 1982. She had been a leader in Colorado's preservation efforts, an active workshop presenter and consultant on preservation problems across the state. She was a founding member of the Colorado Center for the Book, the Colorado Preservation Alliance, and the Colorado Library Association Preservation Roundtable. At the national level, she was a member of the ALA PLMS Library Binding Institute Planning Committee.

* Myra Jo had made a tremendous personal investment in preservation and had amassed a large collection of reference material. This collection will now be housed by the Colorado Preservation Alliance as the Myra Jo Moon Memorial Preservation Reference Collection. An endowment has been set up at the Alliance for that collection. Inquiries and contributions can be addressed to the Colorado Preservation Alliance, c/o Colorado State Archives, 1313 Sherman, Denver, CO 80203.

* At the time of her death, she was project director for an LSCA funded grant to produce the Colorado "State-wide Preservation Plan for Action." This document has just been published and is dedicated to her. She will continue to be an inspiration to everyone in the field of preservation in Colorado.

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