The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 16, Number 5
Oct 1992


The Editor is seeking information on sources of funding to enable preservation administrators and teachers from other countries to come to the United States for an extended period of time for further education and training. This would apply to library and archives conservators whose responsibilities include important preventive conservation. Known sources of funding include:

Fulbright scholarships
Mellon intern ships
UNESCO-sponsored fellowships
ICCROM fellowships.

Since there is virtually nothing in our office files on this topic, all details will be welcome, including information about relevant programs of the above organizations and the names of other organizations with an interest in funding cross-cultural preservation education. We are particularly anxious to hear from people who have taken part in such programs. Until November, information can be given by phone, letter or fax (see box, this page); after November, the Newsletter will have a new address in Austin, Texas.

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