The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 16, Number 1
Feb 1992

AIC & ALA Cooperate on Collections Conservation

A group of approximately 60 members of the American Institute for Conservation Book and Paper Group (BPG), calling itself the Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group (LCCDG), met informally for the second consecutive year last June at the annual AIC meeting in Albuquerque. This Discussion Group is an outgrowth of the liaison relationship established between AIC and the American Library Association in early 1990.

The consensus reached at the 1991 meeting of the LCCDG was that the BPG needs to help foster improvements in the management and implementation of conservation programs for general (i.e., non-rare) library collections. Toward this end, a day-long meeting will be held Wednesday, June 3, 1992, in conjunction with the next annual AIC meeting in Buffalo to discuss LCCDG issues.

The day will be broken into two sessions. The morning will be spent sharing information about specific book conservation techniques suitable for large-scale or highproduction use. This will be accomplished through the physical examination of samples of the techniques currently employed in the conservation of general library collections. The afternoon will be devoted to a directed discussion of approaches to the challenge that faces every collections conservator--how does one maintain the integrity of the entire collection as if the colZection were, in fact, an object?

Attendance of technicians and preservation administrators, as well as members of the BPG involved in library conservation, is encouraged. For more information, contact Randy Silverman at 80V378-2512, or Maria Grandinette at 313/763-6980. They co-chair the group.

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