Volume 15, Number 3
May 1991
- Susan F. Blaine has joined the Smithsonian Institution Libraries
as head of the Preservation Services Department.
- Bonnie Rose Curtin began work in February as a Management
Analyst in NARA's Office of Records Administration.
- T.K. McClintock has opened his own studio for conservation of
fine art and historic works on paper, in the Brickbottom Building,
One Fitchburg St., C-219, Somerville, M& 02143 (617/666-9010).
- Julia Miller is in Australia with her family for a year's
sabbatical. Her address is 7 Central Ave., Black Rock, Victoria,
3093 Australia, until February 1992.
- Karen Brown graduated in October 1990 from the Art Conservation
Program at Queen's University, &-id is mw at the Provincial
Archives of New Brunswick.
- Peter Verheyen accepted the position of Assistant Conservator at
Yale beginning May 6.
- Terry Belanger will be moving to the University of Virginia in