The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 3
May 1991


To the Editor:

I am writing to recommend Brian Baird to potential employers for work as a collections conservator. He is currently available for employment and is willing to work outside Utah.

For the past three years Mr. Baird has supervised the night shift in Brigham Young University's Book Repair Unit. This experience has allowed him to develop a broad range of skills relating to the repair of books in a circulating research library's collection, including: paper repair, case binding, resewing, rebacking, pamphlet binding, split-board binding, phase and clam shell box making, board tacketing, training and supervision of staff, material ordering, sorting materials for treatment, integrating library and book repair operations. He holds an MLS degree from an accredited library school, and is qualified to set up and run a quality book repair operation.

For further information, please contact me at 6216 BBIL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 (801) 3782512.

Randy Silverman
Preservation Librarian

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