Volume 15, Number 2
Apr 1991
- Iona McCraith, formerly Conservator at the City of Toronto
Archives, has recently joined the staff at the Archives of Ontario
as Head Conservator. She can be reached at: Archives of Ontario,
Conservation and Reproduction, 77 Grenville St., Toronto, Ontario,
M7A 2R9, Canada (416/3271521).
- Janet Bridgland is now working as a consultant in the conservation
field and can be reached at: Route 2, Box 158, Monticello, M 55362
(612/295-3477). She continues to serve on the Directory Board
of ICOM-CC as a co-opted (invited) member.
- Regina A. Sinclair, formerly Head of Preservation and Physical
Processing at the University of Missouri-Columbia, is the 1990-91
Mellon Intern in Preservation Administration at Stanford University
- Tom Clareson has joined AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc.,
as Preservation Service Manager. In this position he will be providing
information, training and consultation to libraries and archives
in Arizona, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, with the
aid of a $160,000 NEH grant awarded last year. He was formerly
Membership and Cooperative Program Administrator at OCLC in Ohio.
- Kathleen Orlenko has moved to San Jose, CA and is opening
a conservation studio. Her new address is 1003 Whitehall Ave.,
San Jose, CA 95128 (408/298-6546).
- Mr. Y.P. Kathpalia died about three years ago, according to
a recent letter from the National Research Laboratory for Conservation
of Cultural Property in Lucknow. He was the author of two RAMP
studies for Unesco: Conservation and Restoration of Archives:
A Survey of Facilities (1978) and A Model Curriculum
for the Training of Specialists in Document Preservation and Restoration
- Jan Lyall, Director of Preservation Services at the Australian
National Library, worked at the National Diet Library of Japan
during February and March, with the assistance of funding from
the Japan Foundation. The work involved establishment of preservation
programs in the Asia/ Pacific region. Both libraries are IFLA
Regional Preservation and Conservation Centers.
- Beatrix Kastaly, one of the organizers of the Budapest Conference
last September, will be visiting the U.S. between April 29 and
June 4 on a conservation/preservation study tour. Her itinerary
is being coordinated by Susan Swartzburg.
- Edwin Wolf 2nd died February 20 at the age of 79. He retired
as Librarian of the Library Company of Philadelphia in 1984, after
32 years of association there. He was the author of a book on
American embossed leather bindings, and a leader in the rare book
- Ronald Reed, author of Ancient Skins, Parchments and
Leathers and a pioneer of research on parchment, died March
23, 1990.