The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 1
Feb 1991

Choosing Which Federal Documents to Print on Alkaline Paper

Last year, in connection with its forthcoming guidelines for printing federal documents on alkaline paper, the U.S. Government Printing Office surveyed Federal Depository Libraries to find out which types of government documents they considered essential for long-term preservation' The list of 17 categories they were asked to prioritize is given below, in order from highest to lowest priority. The same list was sent in November to printing and publishing officials in government agencies. Their priorities will also be taken into account.

Legal materials, including laws, decisions issued by regulatory agencies, courts, inspectors general, etc., legal opinions, regulations and rules, legislative histories, and treaties and international agreements

Monographs (substantial publications complete in one part or a finite number of parts)

Statistics (publications of any nature that report statistics)

Journals, periodicals, newspapers (published on a periodic basis, more substantial then newsletters and bulletins) Catalogs, bibliographies, abstracts, and indexes which identify and describe publications, educational courses, activities, events, etc.

Maps, atlases, charts (geographical, topographical, climatological, nautical, economic, etc.)

Reports, including one-time and recurring reports, which generally describe the status of organizations and/or results of research, investigations, studies, surveys, etc. All versions of a report (draft, preliminary, interim, final) unless they are preliminary versions which are intended for internal agency review and/or not to be circulated outside of the Federal Government. Proceedings of symposia, public meetings, workshops, conferences, hearings, etc.

(The following categories of publications were chosen by less than 50% of respondents. Like those above, they are listed in decreasing order of priority.)

Handbooks, ,manuals, guides, including technical, procedural, administrative, and training publications

Environmental impact statements and assessments (draft and final). Draft statements are very important since they are issued to obtain public comment.

Directories that list staff, office, and agency locations, services, etc.

Public notices, information mews, news (press) releases, bulletins, and newsletters published on a recurring basis.

Circulars that are advisory in nature, warning the public or segments of the public about dangers, proper conditions for safety, etc.

Posters (lithographs, photographs, pictures, etc.)

Flyers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets designed to explain government services and activities to the public

Forms including surveys, applications for services, grants, admission to program, jobs, etc.

Marketing, promotional flyers & pamphlets

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