The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 7
Nov 1990

Petherbridge Moves to Australia, is Active Internationally

Guy Petherbridge, Associate Professor of Library Service and Director, Conservation Education Programs, School of Library Science, Columbia University until August 1990, has recently taken up appointment as Senior Preservation Advisor to the Australian Archives, Central Office, Canberra, where he will be involved in the development of national preservation policy, management, standards, research and training system as well as supervising the Australian Archives regional conservation laboratories of New South Wales and Victoria. He will be based in Sydney and will continue to be actively involved internationally in heritage conservation consultancies for national cultural institutions and intergovernmental agencies on behalf of the Australian Archives (with particular emphasis on tropical and sub-tropical regions).

In January Petherbridge was working in Ecuador, at the request of the Office of the President and the Banco Central, continuing his national conservation and bibliographic survey of historical libraries and archives and training personnel of the Paper Conservation Laboratory of the Banco Central in Quito. In May and June he undertook a conservation advisory and training mission, in liaison with the United Nations Development Program, to the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago, and thence to Spain where he has been directing Columbia University's Historical Collections Conservation Student Field Work Project in the library and archives of the Marquis of Barbera and Manresana in the Castle of Vilassar in Catalonia.

In March 1991 Petherbridge will be visiting New Zealand for the Cultural Conservation Council of New Zealand, to give the keynote paper at the Seminar for Administrators on Conservation Management for Libraries and Archives at the National Library, Wellington. He will also be lecturing in Dunedin, Christchurch and Auckland. His new addresses in Australia are: Australian Archives, P.O. Box C328, Clarence Street, Sydney, New South Wales 20DO (Fax 61 2 645 1044) and Australian Archives, P.O. Box 34, Dickson, Australian Capital Territory 2602.

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