The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 7
Nov 1990


Reports keep coming to the editorial office, of people being overcharged for alkaline paper, or warned Way from selecting it by purchasing agents who really believe it costs more. We know for a fact that the mills are not charging more. Paper distributors, some of them, are simply quoting higher prices when they think the customer will pay. Sometimes they steer the customer toward a more expensive grade with a bigger profit margin. In order to combat this exploitation, it will be necessary to gather information and respond in a coordinated way.

The institutional and governmental purchasing officers affected by the new permanent paper law will be ordering more alkaline paper now. How can their interests be protected? What should individuals do, to keep from being taken advantage of? Please send in your horror stories, success stories, and suggestions, with as many facts, names and dates as you can, to help in problem-solving. The information will be used with discretion.

As time permits, we will try to draw up a list of "best buys" for alkaline and permanent paper used in photocopying and for other purposes. This may help some. However, it will not address the problem directly.

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