The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 6
Oct 1990

ICA/IFLA Seminar on Research Planned

The joint ICA/IFLA Planning Committee for the Seminar on research in Preservation and Conservation met at CARAN, May 21 and 22, 1990. The speakers and program for the Seminar were reviewed and reaffirmed. The Conference is sponsored by the International Council on Archives, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, and the Columbia University School of Library Service Conservation Education Programs.

The purpose of the Seminar on Research in Preservation and Conservation is to provide papers and discussions on general topics of research needs and specifically on topics relating to the control of the environment and the control of biological pests. Resolutions from the Seminar will foster further research and set priorities for that research. Specific concerns of developing nations will be addressed.

The planning committee for the Seminar has invited speakers who are currently doing research in the area, or have applied this research to their work. Speakers who have already agreed to participate include Paul Banks, Francoise Flieder, Angelina Kamba, Paul Whitmore, Alan Postelthwaite, Colin Smith, Nieves Valentin, Wolf Buchman, Danielle Neirinck, and James Reilly. The principal working language of the conference will be English.

The will be held from Saturday, May 25 to Wednesday May 29, 1991 at Arden House. Arden House is a conference facility owned by Columbia University on the Hudson River north of New York City. The seminar is invitational.

Those present at the planning meeting were Kenneth Harris, The Library of Congress, USA; Wolf Buchman, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; David Clements, the British Library; Carolyn Harris, School of Library Service, Columbia University; Adam Wysocki, IFLA; Jean-Marie Arnoult, Bibliotheque Nationale; and Charles Kecskemeti, ICA.

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