The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 5
Aug 1990


To the Editor:

I have just come across your list of "Useful Addresses" and was sorry to see that the Mid-Atlantic Preservation Service (MAPS) hasn't made the list yet. It would make the MAPS staff (all 51 of us) very happy to be included in the next compilation.

There are a couple of things that we would like to share with you: one is that the new Herrman & Kraemer is now in operation and running three shifts a day [for more information on the MK, see p. 36 in the June 1989 issue; and the second is that our print master storage vault is now in operation and we are accepting collections of print masters for storage and subsequent discounted copying. The vault has its own separate environmental controls designed to maintain a fully filtered, 65° temperature and 35% relative humidity--humidity being the most critical environmental variable in such a vault situation.

In any case, MAPS will continue to strive to be worthy of your list of Usefuls and trust that we will be successful....

C. Lee Jones, President

[It is sometimes hard to drew the line between regional centers (which are included in the Useful Addresses) and suppliers (which aren't), but the line has to be drawn because there is not enough room on the sheet for suppliers. I have to classify MAPS as a supplier because it does not offer a wide enough range of services on all preservation topics. But its address can always be located by way of the Newsletter's annual index, because MAPS is always making news. And history. -Ed.]

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