The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 5
Aug 1990


Notice to all AIC/IIC/UKIC computer users and hopefuls: Many conservators are using computers as a tool to simplify their work. Some are adapting generic word processing, spreadsheet or database management programs, some are using commercially available specific-use packages and others are developing their own programs which are uniquely tailored to their needs. Many others are interested in computer applications, but do not have access to the necessary technical support to make knowledgeable decisions. If you find yourself in one of these categories, PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION.

At the Computer Breakfast Meeting of the Richmond AIC Conference, an interest was raised in gathering and making available the computer applications currently in use in the conservation field. A Computer Applications Task Group was designated and a project to compile the current software applications in use was undertaken.

If you are using a computer application of any description, that you think is worthy of consideration by your colleagues, please provide the information requested below. Please feel free to provide comments on your experience with this application. This information will be compiled and copies will be made available by the Task Group.

1. Name of program

2. Program format (word processing, spreadsheet, database management, other)

3. System requirements (operating system, large memory access, color/graphics board, etc.)

4. Peripherals required (printer, scanner, modem, etc.)

5. Short description of program functions

6. Short evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of this program (if possible to evaluate)

7. Source of program (name and address of supplier)

8. Cost of program

9. Sample "report" or screen print showing format

10. Name, address (including institution) and phone (fax, email address, etc.) for individual submitting program (or person to contact for additional information).

Please submit this information to Frances W. Mayhew, 201 Alison Amex, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (302/451-8545).

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