The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 4
Jul 1990

LC Closer to Choosing Contractor

A number of libraries around the United States are ready to implement a mass deacidification program, as soon as they can see independent test results on books deacidified by the various methods, but so far no one has been willing to pay for this testing before tests are performed in connection with the Library of Congress contract for mass deacidification services. LC has been saying for two years that it was on the verge of issuing an RFP (request for proposals or solicitation document, a type of invitation to bid on a project, in which the bidder proposes how its expertise would be used to meet the performance-based specifications). Now it seems that the bid and contract process is under way. The following announcement appeared in Commerce Business Daily for June 18:

Library of , Congress, Contracts & Logistics Services,
1701 Brightseat Road, Landover, M 20785-0000

X - DEACIDIFICATION OF BOOKS Sol RFP90-21. Due 110190. Contact Kaye Klinker, (202) 707-8608. The Library of Congress has a requirement for the mass deacidification of paper-based books in the collections at the Library. These include books newly acquired and retrospective collections in the Library. Also books repaired, bound, or rebound as part of the Library's preservation program. This requirement does not include folios, manuscripts, or maps. Contractors shall be required to provide all production facilities, equipment, supplies, transportation and personnel required to perform this service. This procurement shall be warded for an initial year of production and four (4) option years depending upon the availability of funds. The Library's mass deacidification requirements are approximately 1,000,000 books per year. Multiple awards may be made. The data and time of the Pre-Proposal Conference will be stated in the solicitation. REF. RFP90-21 ISSUE: 08-01-90. (163)

"Sol RFP90-21" means "Solicitation document # RFP90-21.11

LC anticipates issuing it on or about August 1. Copies will be sent to anyone on receipt of a written request to be put on the bid list. The anticipated due date for the receipt of bidders' proposals to perform is November 30, 1990.

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